Chapter Nine - What A Mess.

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Me and Shannon our on our way to the supermarket with Andy, Brooklyn and Jack. We hop into the taxi and soon enough we arrive at the supermarket. This supermarket was twice the size of the ones we had at home. We walk down each aisle, picking up different foods and put them into the trolley. We pick up lots of snacks that everyone can share. Me and Brooklyn walk off in a different direction together to find the bottled waters. "How are you finding America so far?" He asked me. "Well since we have only been here for a couple of hours we still need to explore, but I think it is amazing here!" He smiled at me. We both pick up the bottled waters and carry them back to the trolley, the whole walk there, me and Brooklyn were in silence but it wasn't awkward, it was comforting.
One we get back we place the items into the trolley and finish shopping, walking to the tills. At the tills, a feminine worker, tries flirting with Brooklyn but he instantly shut her down. He says to her "Sorry, I have only got eyes for one person." And smiles as me. I blush intensely, Jack looks at Brooklyn in confusion. "Oooo!! Wait do you guys like eachother?!" Me and Brook instantly go red and Andy's face turns to concern. Shannon could see I felt uncomfortable in the situation so she payed for the shopping and carried on back to where our taxi was waiting. We all help put the items into the back of the car and then all get comfortably seated. "I wonder what Lucy, Rye, Mikey and Mel are getting up to?" Shannon asked. "I'm not to sure but I guess we will find out soon!" I state.
We arrive back at the luxurious villa and all take a few items from the taxi and opens the door to the villa.
"What a mess!" I look over and Rye and Lucy had made a huge slip n slide in the middle of our kitchen. To be fair it looked so fun but it looked like a lot of work to clean up. Shannon barges past me. "What?! You are going to have to clean this all up, because we aren't doing it!" She says. Lucy and Rye both reply with "We will in a bit, let us have our fun." She rolls her eyes.
I smile at them and let them continue with their fun. They were sliding around the floor like headless chickens, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. We all put the food items away in the fridge and then everyone goes back to their rooms except from me, Rye and Lucy. Lucy and Rye were still sliding around on the floor with bubbles attached to them. Every now and again I would see Rye kiss Lucy on her cheek, they were so adorable I could tell they were meant to be.
I sat in the villa's living room and got out my sketch pad and pencil. I began to randomly sketch a tree when I suddenly feel a pair of arms embrace me from behind the sofa. It was Brooklyn, he was looking over my shoulder at my sketch's "They Are really good you know?" He says to me, sitting himself down beside me. "They aren't that good but thank you!" I replied, smiling at him.
Mikey suddenly bursts into the living room. At the top of his lungs he screams for everyone to meet in the living room. Everyone gathers around in the living room and is confused why Mikey wanted us there so badly. "Okay so as you know we haven't really got any activities planned for these 3 weeks.." he says. "So I would like to announce that I have booked tickets for all of us to go to the following theme parks." He continues. As soon as I hear the word theme parks I instantly listened up and became excited very quickly. "We will be going to Universal Studios tomorrow. Then we can choose when we want to go to Islands of Adventure and Disney World!!"
I hear this and I instantly fill with joy and happiness. The girls scream in excitement while the boys just smiled at us. I was so happy at the time that I embraced Brooklyn into a hug. He made me feel secure and happy.
The night continues and we all decide to go to bed early ish as we had a big day planned tomorrow. Before we all headed off towards our rooms I thanked Mikey, I felt so grateful.
I walked towards me and Brooklyn's room and as I enter the room I instantly notice that he was led there shirtless. I blush, picking up my pyjamas and rushing to the bathroom to change. I take my time while changing, I clear my face of makeup using a makeup wipe, I looked a state but I didn't mind at that point in time.
I head back to the room saying goodnight to Andy on the way back. I enter the room and Brooklyn was led cuddled up to the blankets. I slip into the bed and pull the blankets over myself, I feel Brooklyn hug me and kiss me on the cheek. "I love hugs at night." He whispered to me. I blush at his comment and before I know it I was fast asleep.

Hello!! This chapter was slightly longer than the others. Please let me know in comments any ideas for this fanfic and let me know what you think of it!! Thank you! I love you all! Xx

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