Chapter Sixteen - Girls Night!

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I slowly open my heavy eyes, and I sit up rubbing my back as it was beginning to ache. I glance around at the pillow fort but there was no sign of Brooklyn or Harvey. I pull out my phone from one of my pockets and I check what the time was, it was 1:17pm, which means that I slept through most of the day! I sluggishly pull myself off of the floor and I walk towards the kitchen to collect a glass of water. I hear all the boys voices coming from outside so I assumed they were filming their new cover that was due to go out later in the day. Me and the girls decided that we wanted to have a girls night, so that is what we were going to do tonight as it is a Saturday. I walk towards Lucy and Rye's room and I see Lucy and Shannon sat on the bed talking to each other but there was no sign of Mel, I assumed she was still asleep. "Hey girls!" I say smiling, sitting down next to Lucy. "Hey! How are you feeling about tonight?" Lucy asked excitedly. "I'm feeling great, tonight is going to be a laugh." I say. "I wish the boys would come with us so that it isn't just me who has to look after you when you are all drunk!" Shannon said pulling a small frown. Mel entered the room as soon as we started speaking about alcohol, she had wrapped herself up with a blanket and looked like a burrito. This made all of us laugh and Mel came and sat in one of the chairs near to the bed. We could all hear the boys angelic voices from Rye and Lucy's room and all of us girls smiled brightly, we are all so lucky to have them. After a few minutes I decided that I was going to watch some YouTube before getting changed for the first girls night. I let the girls know that I am going back to my room and I headed back to me and Brooklyn's room. I plonked myself down on the bed and wrapped myself up in a blanket, I switched on a Shane Dawson video and I proceeded to watch it.
20 minutes later, Jack comes running into the room and he launches himself onto the bed. I look at him, with a raised eye brow. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. He smirks at me and says "Hide me! I am trying to hide from Brooklyn and Rye!" I look confused at him. "What did you do?" I ask. "Just getting Rye back for covering me in baby powder!" He says cheekily, I laugh at him. "And Brooklyn? Why hide from him?" I ask curiously. "I told him I was going to steal your heart as a joke and he took it seriously." I smile at Jack and that is when Brook bursts into the room.
"FOUND HIM!" He shouts smirking at Jack and then smiling at me.
"Shhhhh!" Jack says, trying not to laugh.
I sit there in silence and then before I know it Rye marches into the room covered head to toe in green slime. I cover my mouth and begin laughing. "Nice!" I say to Jack, giving him a quick high five.
I check the time and It was nearly 3pm, me and the girls are due to leave the house at 5pm, this means that I was going to have to start getting ready now. I lift myself off of the bed and I rush through my closet, collecting a suitable outfit to wear. I rush into the bathroom and I get myself changed. I was wearing black jeans with a smart off the shoulder top. I get out my straighteners and begin to straighten my hair. Around 25 minutes later, my hair was done and now I was doing my makeup. After putting my makeup on, it was 4:37pm and it was nearly time for me and the girls to leave. All of us girls met in the living room and we said our goodbyes to the boys. I softly kissed Brooklyn on the cheek before walking out of the front door. All of the boys weren't to keen on letting us go out by ourselves but we managed to persuade them.
In unison, me and the girls walked towards the closest club and soon entered it. As soon as we get into the club, we walk straight over to the bar and sit ourselves down and we order a few drinks, during this time we were having an amazing time and Mel kept making us laugh. The music was blaring and the lights were flashing, every now and again smoke would appear from the smoke machine. Throughout the first half an hour me and Brooklyn were texting back and forth, he kept making sure that me and the girls were okay and that we haven't drank too much, which I thought was really sweet. But before I knew it me, Lucy and Mel were slightly tipsy, the only person completely sober was Shannon as she doesn't really like alcohol. A few more drinks entered our system and Mel Lucy and myself were slurring our words and kept tripping over our own two feet.
• Shannon's POV •
I could see that the girls were enjoying themselves but they were totally out of it, that is why I decided to message Andy and let him and the other boys know what was going on.
•Text To Andy•
Shannon: Babe can you come to the club and get us? X
Andy: Yeah why? Are you and the girls okay? X
Shannon: I'm fine but the others not so much.. They are completely out of it, they have been drinking all night!
Andy: What?! Okay me and the boys are on our way! X
•End of Text•
•Jess' POV•
"Girls I think that it is best that we stop drinking and go back to the villa." Shannon says, she was worrying about us and she knew she wouldn't be able to control all of us.
"No! I don't want to go yet!" Lucy says angrily frowning at her.
"Seriously guys it's for the best." Shannon says slightly louder, with a worried face.
"Whyyyyyy?!" Mel grumbles.
"Don't grumble! It is for the best, anyway the boys are on their way at this very moment." Shannon replies.
"Yay! I get to see my teddy bear (Brook)!" I say as I slur my words.
Suddenly, Lucy lunges towards Shannon in anger and grabs her hair and begins tugging on it and hitting her. Shannon knew that Lucy was drunk but she still lashed out, trying to defend herself. Me and Mel rush over to the girls and drunkenly try and split them apart from one and other.
Luckily, the boys turn up just in time and quickly rush towards us, Rye grabs Lucy back, as she still try's to aggressively reach Shannon. Andy holds Shannon back and Jack jumps in between them both. Mikey stands with Mel and try's to get her to sober up and then there was me. Brooklyn embraces me in a hug and asks if I'm okay, I say that I am fine whilst slurring my words. He could tell that I was drunk and out of it so he gave me a glass of water to help me sober myself up slightly.
"Is L-Lucy Okayyy?" I ask Brooklyn drunkly.
"Yeah she is okay, she is with Rye but she probably won't be speaking with Shannon for a while." He replies, looking down at me.
"Okayy.." I state, looking down at my feet and frowning like a child.
"There is no way I am letting you out of my sight and you are not going out without us boys." Brooklyn says looking at me, care filled in his eyes.
We all began to walk home as the boys didn't drive to the club due to it being a few blocks away from the villa. We begin crossing the road, however suddenly a large car didn't stop, it just carried on plowing towards us even though we were crossing. Everyone was out of the cars way except from two of my favourite people..


Sup guys! Thank you so much for 600+ views, I appreciate each and everyone one of you!!! Xx I love all you fellow Roadies! X

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