Chapter Eleven - Universal Studios!

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My eyes light up as we all get closer to the entrance of the theme park. I was bursting with excitement, every now and again everyone would laugh at me because I was being "too hyper!" But in my opinion there is no such thing!
We all walk through the huge gates and check our tickets and soon enough we are in!
The fresh air hit my face as I looked around at the surrounding buildings. There was an amazing amount of things that you could do. The vibrant colours of the diners, rides and gift shops illuminated around us.
"What are we going to do first?" Shannon asked, looking around at everyone. Jack turns to me, "What do you think we should do first?" He asks. "I guess we could go on the Studio Tour, it's actually pretty awesome." I reply. Everyone agrees to go on the studio tour first, they all said that the place looked amazing and full of fun things to do. We hover in line for a while, all talking about the exciting day ahead of us. Soon enough we are the next in row to go on the studio tour, we all wait patiently and after a few moments a tram pulls up by the side of us and we climb on.
I decide to sit with Jack, Brooklyn, Rye and Lucy and then Mel, Mikey, Shannon and Andy take a seat just opposite us.
The tram takes us around a few examples of movie sets. It was phenomenal! They were using many different effects to make the tour feel so realistic. The tour took us to the sets of "Back To The Future" and "Jaws"
After 20 minutes we hop off the tram and everyone walks towards the exit. Andy was talking with Shannon about how cool he thought the experience was and Shannon agreed.
As soon as we got outside the heat hit me once again, it was boiling outside. It was coming up to lunch time and people were beginning to get hungry. "Shall we go and get something to eat?" Jack asks, looking around at everyone.
Everybody nods their heads and we walk towards a restaurant themed with supernatural creatures. We enter the restaurant and we get seated. Lucy began laughing loudly as she saw the waitresses and waiters dressed up as werewolves and vampires. "Stop laughing, it's will come across as you being rude." Shannon says to Lucy. At this point she was in fits of laughter which causes everyone else to crack up. A waitress dressed as a vampire asks us what we would like to eat. We all order small portions of food, Rye had to order Lucy's food for her because she wouldn't stop giggling to herself.
Our food soon enough arrived and we tucked into it, chewing at our food.
After we finished our food, the waitress comes back over and collects our plates but before she can leave Lucy turns around and asks her "What are you wearing?" She begins laughing yet again and Rye picks her up and drags her out of the restaurant.
Me and Brooklyn both smile at each other and walk together out of the restaurant laughing to ourselves.
"What shall we do next?" Mel asks. "Ooooo could we go on the Mummy?" I ask everyone. Mel looks at me and asks "Is it a quick roller coaster?" I reply with "Yeah it is.."
Mel and Lucy decided that they didn't want to go on a roller coaster so instead they waited for us outside.
We rush to the entrance of the Mummy and we get our place in the line.

Adrenaline fills my body and I start shaking, Andy glances over at me and asks if I'm okay

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Adrenaline fills my body and I start shaking, Andy glances over at me and asks if I'm okay. "I'm completely fine! I am so excited!" I say happily. We slowly get closer to the front of the line, we have been waiting in the line for around 35 minutes. "Is this worth it?" Rye asks. I look over at him and smile, "Honestly, it is worth the wait!"
I could tell why Rye was hoping the line would go quicker, he wanted to get back to spending time with Lucy. Honestly they have the cutest bond.
Ten minutes later, we get to the front of the line, and get ready to sit down on the roller coaster train.
It was three seats on a row, this meant that I sat on the edge with Brooklyn next to me and then Rye sat by him. Behind us, Andy and Shannon sat together and then behind again Jack and Mikey sat with each other.
I was so excited, I sat in the seat and pulled the safety bar over my body, as did everyone else.
The lights darken as the ride begins, me and Brooklyn grip hands and smile at each other. The ride soon begins to speed up slightly, and I soon hear Andy screaming like a girl even before the ride was at full speed. This made everyone laugh and soon enough the ride was going full speed and everyone including me was shouting
"WOOOOOOOOO!!" As the ride was quickly increasing its speed, me and Brooklyn's hands never parted once.

•Brooklyn's POV•

I look over at Jess and smile, she has such a positive spirit. She brightens up my day and she doesn't know how much she means to me. This day was going to be amazing, I wanted to show her how much she means to me. I kept glancing over at her throughout the roller coaster and all I could do was just keep smiling at her. I feel a huge pull towards her. I wanted to kiss her, but I didn't know if she was ready. No! I am going to try it! I will do it tonight.

•Back To Jess' POV•

The roller coaster kept speeding up, there was multiple tight bends and twists which made your heart pump.
I could tell today was going to be phenomenal, all these thoughts rushed through my head as my hair blew in the wind. I try to look behind me and I get a glance of Mikey and Jack holding hands, they both looked terrified and were screaming their heads off, I giggle at them.
However, all good things come to an end, after an amazing roller coaster experience, the ride comes to an end. I look over at Brooklyn and smirk, he looked shocked. "Guys look at Mikey and Jack.." I say to both Rye and Brooklyn.
They both look back at begin laughing hysterically, Mikey and Jack were still holding hands, their hair was a mess and they had the most blank expression on their faces.
The safety bars becomes lose and we climb out of the roller coaster train. We walk out of the Mummy and Rye says "That was so worth the wait, I just wish Lucy and Mel would have came with us!"
"I totally agree!" Jack says in his little Irish accent.
We exit the Mummy coaster and we soon meet back up with Lucy and Mel. "So how was it?" Lucy asked us. "It was amazing I just wish you could have been there!" Rye replies smirking at her and then planting a quick kiss on her cheek.
We all decided that we would split up and go in groups to the places we would wish to go to. My group consisted of Mikey, Mel, Brooklyn, Jack and myself and then the other group consisted of Shannon, Andy, Rye and Lucy.
We all said that we would meet at the entrance for Harry Potter World a few hours later. We soon split off from the others and begin walking around Universal.
"Could we go to the Simpsons zone?" Jack asks politely.
"Yeah of course, I was hoping we would go there at some point!" I reply.
All of us head towards the Simpsons zone, on the way there we stop and visit a few small roller coasters and gift shops.
Jack sees the Kwik-E-Mart in the distance and speeds of towards it. We soon catch up to him and enter the fairly large gift shop.

Jack ends up buying himself a t-shirt and some other things, Brooklyn buys a few snacks and everyone else buys their own things

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Jack ends up buying himself a t-shirt and some other things, Brooklyn buys a few snacks and everyone else buys their own things. I buy myself a cold bottle of water and as soon as we get outside I down the whole bottle.
A few hours go by and surprisingly we have got a lot done, we have been on a few roller coasters, been in gifts shops, we have more less done it all.
It was time for us to meet back up with the others at the main entrance for Harry Potter World.
All of us zoom off towards the entrance and there we wait for the others to return..

Hello everyone! So I am sorry that I haven't uploaded recently but I have been busy and I have been trying to make these longer for you guys! I love you all and thank you for reading this fanfic!! Xx

After The Show! (Roadtrip / HRVY Fanfic!) XxWhere stories live. Discover now