Chapter Thirty Two - Another Concert!

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Luckily, we reach the venue, with a few minutes to spare, before the concert started, the boys had enough time to have a few quick minutes by themselves, so that they could change and style their hair. Myself and the girls waited backstage and helped ourselves to the snacks that were available on the table. Us girls stood in a circle and spoke about how proud of the boys we are. It was slightly awkward for me and the girls to be at the concert, due to the fact that the boys fans didn't know that any of the boys had girlfriends/female associates.
• A Few Minutes Later •
The music began blasting out of the speakers and the fans all began chanting "ROADTRIP!" At the top of their lungs.
The boys left their individual changing rooms and walked to where me and the girls were standing, firstly Mikey went over to Mel and kissed her forehead, secondly was Andy who surprisingly kissed Shannon on the lips. Thirdly was Rye, he ran up to Lucy and passionately kissed her lips, then it was Brooklyn's turn, he walked over to me and embraced me into a hug. "Good luck babe.." I whisper gently in his ear, before he plants a soft kiss on my lips. Lastly was Jack, he walked passed all of us girls and kissed our hands, as the boys wouldn't let him kiss our cheeks. All of the boys, in unison ran onto the stage and began singing, all of their fans were screaming, happily at them. The first song they sang was "Miss Taken." then they sang "No No No!" and then they sang a few other original songs and mixed in some covers. I turn to Shannon "so how was that for a kiss?" I joke, asking her about how she felt about it. "I loved it.." She shyly replies. After the boys had sang a few songs, they decided to have a break and let one of the other bands who were performing for them onto the stage. You could hear that the fans weren't as excited but they all still sang along to the songs and had smiles on their faces. Whilst being backstage, the boys regrouped with Blair and Chris and took a few sips of their refreshing water. Chris showed the boys some of the photos that he managed to snap and then Chris beckoned me over. I walked over to Chris and stood next to him, feeling slightly confused. "Hey Jess, so that offer I was talking about, I want you to show me some of your capability now, if that's okay?" He asked, putting a smile onto his face. "Oh yeah of course!" I enthusiastically reply, taking hold of Chris' giant camera. I look down at the screen of the camera and adjust the settings slightly, i then take a few snap shots of the band that was currently performing. I showed all of the boys, including Blair and Chris, the few photos I took and they looked stunned. "I knew you were good but damn.. this good?!" Chris, lights up with a smile. Suddenly, out of nowhere Blair asks "Do you think we could have a meeting tomorrow at the villa?" I sit back down, on one of the chairs, with Blair pulling me to the side. "Yes!" I respond, feeling excited. After speaking to the boys for a few moments, Rye, Andy, Brook, Mikey and Jack all ran back onto the stage to sing one last song for their fans. Of course the song they performed was "After The Show." It's how they always ended their concerts, with this special song and their funny looking dance routine that hey made up. As the fans excitedly screamed, the lights flickered beautiful colours and the boys sung at the top of their lungs. I couldn't help but smile, proudly at Brooklyn when he looked in my direction.
As the song came to the end the boys all stood in a line. "Okay so everyone group together we need a picture." Andy says, out of breath, smiling at the fans. Brooklyn then beckons me over to take the photo and Chris hands me his camera once again. "You want me to take it?" I ask, shocked. "Yeah go for it!" Chris smiles.
I run onto the stage with the camera, my hands shaking and kneel down to get the perfect shot, you could tell the fans were expecting Chris but instead it was me. Just me. "Okay smile everyone!" Rye says, speaking down his microphone, clearly. All of the fans smile in the background and the boys pose, I carefully lift the camera up and look down at the screen, capturing the perfect photo.

I look down at the photo and see the fans holding their flash lights in the air, I give Brook a thumbs up and then walk backstage

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I look down at the photo and see the fans holding their flash lights in the air, I give Brook a thumbs up and then walk backstage. Chris takes his camera back and looks at the photo. "I like it, this will totally be going on the boys Instagram later!" He states. I blush, feeling a rush of adrenaline. "I can't believe I just did that!" I say, having mixed feelings about the situation. "There is no hiding from the fans now." Lucy states, looking at me. "I know, but it's one way to kick of my career.. right?!" I ask, still shaking with adrenaline. "Yeah I guess, good for you Jess." Shannon reply's, pulling me into a hug.
All of the boys eventually run off of stage and return to us girls. Brooklyn walks straight over to me and puts his lips to my ear "You ran out on stage so confidently, I am proud of you." He whispers, then looking down at my lips. I smile a cheeky smile and kiss his soft lips passionately, I could feel him smile through out the kiss. It was magically until Blair interrupted. "I guess I will see you tomorrow Jess." He states. "Yeah you will!" I reply, smiling. Blair then leaves the venue along with Chris and leaves me with a confused Brooklyn. "Huh?" Brook asks. "I have a meeting tomorrow with Blair and Chris about my photography." I smile, excitedly. "You lucky girl." Brooklyn reply's embracing me.
After a while, it was time for us all to return home and get a good nights rest.

Hello readers! Thank you for taking your time to read this chapter. I am in the middle of my exams at the moment so I will try my hardest to update this fanfic every Sunday, however I probs doubt upload next Sunday due to my exams consuming my life! But I won't rant so thank you again for reading and I will see you next time.

After The Show! (Roadtrip / HRVY Fanfic!) XxWhere stories live. Discover now