Chapter Six - Take Off.

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After Jack had stopped screaming at us because we were going to be late for our flight, we all quickly rush about collecting our cases and other belongings that we could possibly have left at the venue.
We all decided that we were going to mix it up a bit and since we were going away with the boys, we would swap who is going in which vehicle.
Going in Shannons car would be, herself, Andy, Mel and Mikey and then in the tour bus, myself, Lucy, Rye, Jack and Brooklyn.
We all quickly put our cases in the vehicles and we soon said a quick goodbye to each other and said that we would meet them at the airport. Everyone clambered into the vehicles and got comfy for the 20 minute journey to the airport.
I would have guessed that Shannon, Mel, Mikey and Andy, were most likely singing along to songs and flirting with each other.
In the tour bus I was sat in between Brooklyn and Jack. Lucy was sat by Rye and all I could hear was them sweet talking each other. Every now and again they would say something to each other that made me, Jack and Brook cringe and then place us in fits of laughter. During the journey, I kept catching Brooklyn looking at me, he was so sweet. Jack would also catch him looking at me and then would smirk at him, making Brooklyn go red.
The 20 minute journey went by quickly and it was soon enough only an hour till we had to board our plane.
Everyone met back up at the airport and we rushed through security, checking our passports and getting our cases sorted out. It took around half and hour so then it gave us 30 minutes spare to do whatever we want while we wait to board the plane. I bought a few snacks for the flight along with Andy and Shannon.
It was now only 10 minutes until we our aloud to board our plane, we walked towards the gates and checked who was sat by who.
Andy says to me "It looks like I'm sat with you and Brooklyn." I smile "Who is everyone else with?" I ask.
Jack was going to be sat with Rye and Lucy and then Shannon was going to sit with Mel and Mikey. Everyone was happy with their seats and soon enough it was time to board the plane.
We all found our designated seats and sat down making ourself comfy for the 9 hour flight ahead of us.
As soon as I sat down in my seat I began to shake, I felt sick, I love travelling but I hate planes. I was feeling extremely nervous. Brooklyn looked at me concerned. "Gorgeous are you okay?" He asked gently. My voice was shaking "N-No I hate planes.."
It was soon time to take off and this was the most nerve-racking part.
Brooklyn could see I was frightened so he held my hand and said in a calm voice "It's going to be alright, your safe you are with me."
He made me feel calm, he made me feel safe. Andy saw us holding hands and looked over at Brooklyn concerned. "Jess are you okay?" He asked me politely. "No you know I hate flying, Andy." Andy linked arms with me "You will be okay." We soon began to take off and I buried my head into Brooklyn's arm. I didn't mean to but I was scared and he made me feel safe. Brook was shocked when I did his but he was cool with it, he just smiled down at me.

Hello everyone. Thanks for reading! So this chapter and the next chapter are both taking place on the plane. Let me know what you think! I love you all! Xx

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