Chapter Twenty Five - Fans.. Fans.. And More Fans..

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As we rushed out of the recording studio, Ryes arm got gripped onto by a fan, in which I gave a look of reassurance towards Rye and then looked at the fan oddly, trying not to be rude. Rye looked irritated by the fans swarming his face and you could tell he felt slightly uncomfortable even though he loved the fans. Then Brooklyn was pulled over to a side for a photograph, meaning that I got dragged with him, the fangirl gave a quick look of jealousy when she saw that I was holding Brooklyn's hand. Luckily, a few, well-built men came along and made sure that we got to the tour bus without being rushed at again.
"That's just great!" Rye says, looking down at his phone slightly annoyed. "What is it?" I ask curiously.
"Fans.. And a lot of them.." Brooklyn said, looking at his phone as well. I look down at Brooks phone and I see a huge group of Roadies stood in the small park that was opposite the villa who were spamming the boys with tweets. "I will text the girls to let them know and to tell them that when we arrive to unlock the door straight away." I suggest, trying to help. "Okay But I don't mind going out and seeing the fans for a bit.." Andy comments. "Same here, I just don't want to be surrounded." Jack says, agreeing to go with Andy.
My Phone
Me: Hey Lucy, I just want to let you know that there is a large group of fans opposite the villa. Xx
Lucy: Oh trust me we know. Some of the fans are chill and seem cool but some are acting like real stalkers. Xx
Me: Well we will be home in a bit, just be ready for us! Xx
Lucy: Of course Jess. Xx
Turning Off My Phone •
I turn off my phone and put it back into my pocket. The journey back to the villa was fairly quick and it was time for us to leave the tour bus and to get back into the villa. I saw Lucy peaking out of the villa window and she instantly knew that she needed to open the front door to let us in. Chris said that he would go first with his recording equipment then the boys should follow, along with Blair.
Chris hops out of the tour bus and rushes towards the villa and Lucy recognised him and allows him in. Then the boys, Blair and myself had to get back to the villa without being seen by the fans.
I get out of the tour bus along with Brooklyn and Blair, we head towards the front door and get in without being seen, then the rest of the boys come over and head inside. Jack was the last person inside and unluckily one of the fans saw him and started screaming "Roadtrip!" At the top of their lungs. This of course encouraged everyone else to shout for them too, Jack gets in and locks the door behind him.
"Well that's great, we were seen.." Rye said, blowing the hair out of his face. "Well we can't leave the fans hanging so we will have to go out there.." Jack said, lightening the mood. "Yeah okay, me and Jack will go out first and greet all the fans and then you guys can come and say hello in a bit?" Andy says, taking charge. "Yeah okay!" Brook comments, smiling at me and then Andy.
Blair and Chris both sat in the kitchen on the stools and were talking about the new music video that was coming out soon on the boys YouTube channel.
I walk over to Lucy and sit myself down next to her, "That's quite a few fans out there.." She said, huffing. "I know but there isn't anything we can do.."  I reply, smiling at Lucy. Andy and Jack left the villa and was bombarded by fans, so they greeted them respectfully and took pictures with them.
As me and Lucy were sat on the sofa, Brooklyn and Rye joined us and then Mel, Mikey and Shannon all joined us and sat on the other sofa. "You ready boys? You know for the fans?" Mel asks, smirking at them. "Yeah I guess.." Rye states, planting a kiss on Lucy's cheek. "Of course we are ready!" Brooklyn and Mikey said, smiling.
The rest of the boys left the villa and also greeted the fans, the girls watched them happily out of the villa window, I understand it now. The boys have so much respect for their fans however they just don't like being swarmed by the fans all the time. I walked over to where Blair and Chris were sat and I got myself a glass of water, sitting down next to them. "What other talents do you posses?" Chris asked curiously. "Well I can draw I guess, obviously photography and I can edit." I reply, smiling at Chris. "Jess, I don't really know your friends too well, what are they like?" Blair asked, showing a smile. "Well Lucy is a great dancer! However she can't being doing that yet as she is still on crutches.." I say, looking down at the ground. "It's not long now till she is off her crutches maybe we can see how well she can dance!" Blair says excitedly. "I agree, then you have Shannon, she is also very talented at art in general." I comment. "How lovely!" Blair replies, breaking a smile. "And Mel, well to be honest she is just really funny.. sometimes I think she could be a stand up comedian.." I laugh slightly to myself.
After talking to Blair and Chris about us girls I heard a frustrated Lucy in the living room. I rushed out to see what was going on and Lucy was mumbling angrily to herself. "What's wrong Lucy?" I ask, trying to help her. "One of the fans is trying to kiss Rye.." she says, slightly upset. "What?!" I reply, looking out of the window at a fan trying to plant her lips on Rye. The fan tried to do it once again for a picture and Lucy just lost it. She marched out on her crutches and one of the fans started laughing at her, I followed Lucy out of the villa, trying to calm her down, but it didn't work. Lucy walked straight over to Rye and stood by his side, staring at the fan. "What?!" The fan asked, sounding slightly moody. "I think Rye here would appreciate it if you would stop trying to kiss him." Lucy replied, sassily. "Babe.." Rye mumbled, trying to get Lucy to back down. "Well he never asked me to leave.!" The fan said. "Well in my opinion I think that MY boyfriend wouldn't want a little girl trying to cover him in kisses." Lucy commented. "Wait you are his girlfriend?!" The fan asked, laughing. "Hunny, we are just saying, Rye looks uncomfortable that's all.." I say, trying to calm the situation. "And who are you?" The fan asked, looking in my direction. "Just some gir—" I try to finish my sentence before I do Brooklyn steps in and looks at the girl, "she is my girlfriend.." he says, looking at the fan and then smiling in my direction. Finally Blair comes out of the villa and politely asks if the fans could let the boys breath and leave the area. "Well that was hectic.." Jack said, smirking slightly.
The clouds and sky were becoming dark and that meant that it was getting later. The clock ticked rather quickly and the time soon became 11:03pm. Everyone was tired, especially the boys since they had a busy day, I changed into my pjs and brushed my teeth. I was laying in my bed, all cosy, yet i just couldn't go to sleep. Jack was fast asleep, of course and I couldn't tell if Brook was awake or not. I lift myself out of my warm bed and walk over to Brooklyn's, I squeeze myself into his bed and hug him, he wasn't asleep, in fact he hugged me back tightly. Me and Brooklyn shared many kisses and snuggles however there wasn't enough room in his bed for me to stay there all night. So I had to return to my bed but before doing so, Brooklyn passionately locked lips with me and we ended up staying there for god knows how long..

Hello readers! Thank you for taking your time to read this fanfic, sorry if it isn't exactly great but I am trying my best! Thanks again! Xx

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