Chapter Twenty Seven - Sunset.

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Everyone crowded in the room, asking frantically who was pregnant, many of the boys and girls acted confused and worried for the person who was pregnant. However everyone was mistaken.. they thought I was pregnant, but of course that wasn't true but in fact Mel was.
Jack: "I'm sorry to blurt it out but what?! Jess are you pregnant?!"
Lucy: "What are you really?!"
Me: "No! Of course I am not pregnant!"
Andy: "You better not be!" Andy says, glancing over at Brooklyn and looking at him up and down like a mean girl, sternly.
Brooklyn: "Guys she isn't pregnant, we haven't slept together.."
Andy: "Ohhhh well that's good but sorry I made that very awkward.."
Rye: "So if you aren't pregnant then who is pregnant?!"
Everyone, looks around confused, it was very hectic and I began panicking,
I couldn't tell them that Mel was pregnant that was for her to tell them and plus I wouldn't want to hurt her. Mel stood up in the middle of the room, with tears filling her eyes and stated, "It's me.. okay.. I'm pregnant."
Everyone stood there completely shell shocked and everyone said "Wait what?!" In unison.
Mikey stood up tall, with his eyes wide open, staring at Mel. "Is that true are you sure?!" He asked, walking over to her, smiling. "Yeah.. it's true.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.. I was scared and I wanted to be sure.." Mel said.
Me and Brooklyn looked at each other and smiled, Mikey didn't seem upset. In fact he seemed absolutely over the moon, so with that me and Brook decided to get everyone to leave the room so that both Mel and Mikey could have a moment.
Everyone left the room and hovered around in the front room. Brooklyn came over to me and put his arm around me, pulling me closer. "Sorry if I made that in any way awkward for you or us.." he commented, smiling at me, warmly. "That's alright you big bear, I didn't find it awkward.." I replied to him, planting a kiss on his soft cheek.
The day carried on smoothly and soon the sun was setting, beautifully on the golden horizon in the distance. Mikey and Mel were getting super excited to have a baby together but they were slightly worried because they are so young, however you can't stop love. They both couldn't wipe the smile off of their faces, they were both ready to become parents.
Andy, Shannon, Jack and Rye all were seated along the kitchen island, snacking on a bowl of crisps that was laid in the middle of the counter. They were all speaking about the baby, Shannon couldn't wait to meet the little new born baby, Andy and Rye both had mixed feelings about the baby, the only down side for them was that both Mel and Mikey were quite young still and plus what was Blair going to think?!Then Jack, well he was shocked at first but as the shock settled down he wasn't really too bothered. Lucy was sat in the living room watching YouTube, I could tell she was happy for Mel and Mikey but she for sure didn't want to be around a screaming child 24/7. Me and Brooklyn were both super ecstatic for the arrival of the baby, even though the new born would arrive in around 9 months time.
I wanted to get away from everyone as it was pretty hectic, so I decided to go to the roof of the villa. I took a seat on the roof ledge and dangled my feet over the drop, I liked the feeling of danger and adventure.
I sat peacefully looking out over the beautiful view of LA, admiring the sights, the golden, flaming sunset blazed across the sky, filling it with different unique colours of oranges, reds and yellows. As I glanced across at the view, Brooklyn climbed up to the roof and took a seat next to me.
He carefully put his arm around my shoulder, dangling his legs across the edge. I leant my head on his shoulder, my nostrils flared up as I was being intoxicated by his wonderful smelling aftershave. "Are you okay Jess?" Brooklyn asked, looking down at me. "Yeah Brook I am fine I just had to take a breather from the madness that has occurred tonight.." I comment, smiling out at the sunset. "You are beautiful.." Brook states, kissing my forehead softly. "Thank you.. and you are handsome.." I reply, blushing brightly. "I am being serious you look amazing right now." He replies again. "Thank you Mr Gibson, it is the lighting.." I say flipping my hair sassily. "Ooo sassy I like it!" Brooklyn comments, we both being laughing aloud. "It is crazy to think of everything that has happened ever since leaving my family." I reply, looking up at the sun. "I know it's crazy! Plus I can't wait to meet your family hopefully they aren't all like Fovvs." Brook smiles, as he points at Andy and intimates him. I giggle before saying "they aren't all like him, protective yes but not always moody, you would love my mother she is the sweetest person!" I comment, smiling brightly as I passionately speak about my family. "Well then in that case I can't wait till I meet them all!" Brooklyn replies, looking at the sunset.
I could feel my eyes beginning to become heavy, I didn't want to fall asleep but I was so comfortable in Brooklyn's arms. Eventually I drifted off to sleep in his arms and the last thing I felt was Brooklyn kissing me gently on my lips.

Helloooo sorry it wasn't very long!! Thank you so much for 2k reads, it means so much to me and I can't believe it! Thank you for reading this chapter. Let me know what you think in the comments. Xx

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