Chapter Ten - Preparing For Universal.

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I shoot awake as soon as my alarm goes off, today is the day! Today we are going to Universal Studios!! As a kid I have been lucky enough to go to Universal a few times so I was extra excited about going there! However everyone else hadn't been there before so I am probably going to act like a crazed maniac!
I turn my alarm off and roll over to face Brooklyn, he was still asleep with his hair covering his face, he looked peaceful. It was 6:30am, I wanted to get up early today and plus the adrenaline was already kicking in. I climb out of the bed and walk towards the kitchen to get some breakfast. I was the only person awake at that time so I quietly put on the television and make myself some cereal.
I sit in the living room with my bowl of cereal at hand and focus my eyes on the telly, there was nothing good on the tv from what I could see so I decided to put it on the music channel and draw. We are meant to leave at 10:00am to allow travelling to Universal, but I was too excited and couldn't sleep.
After half an hour the clock ticks to 7am. I know I should let people sleep but I had to talk to someone about my excitement. I run into me and Brooklyn's room and jump on the bed. "Get up lazy bones!" I say loudly. Brooklyn slowly opens his eyes and mumbles "What's the time?" I look down at him "It's 7am But I need to share my excitement with someone!" I reply to him smiling widely. He looks up at me and says "Go back to the living room I will be there in a minute." I excitedly rush off back to the living and place myself on the sofa. Soon after Brooklyn walks out of our room, makes himself some toast and then plonks himself down next to me on the sofa. "How are you so excited this early in the morning?" He asked, smiling at me. "How are you not?!" I excitedly smile. I was bursting with excitement and he could tell.  I wouldn't stop talking about what different things we could all do at Universal Studios. Suddenly Brooklyn kisses me on the cheek, it was unexpected so I sat there quietly blushing to myself. "That made you shut up." He flirts with me.
Time flies by and it soon turns 8am, that was it now! I was waking mr sleepy himself. "I wouldn't wake him if I were you." Brooklyn suggested. I ignored him and bursts into Jack room. "Oi sleepy get up!!" Jack opens his eyes and looks at me tiredly. "Whyyyyyyyy?!" He asked. "Come on its Universal today!" I reply to him grinning. "Is everyone else up yet? Because if not I will move after they do." I look at jack in disappointment. "Fine you win but you better be moving in at least half and hour!" I demand, jokingly. Brooklyn is stood behind me laughing "I'm surprised he didn't get annoyed, he loves his sleep!" He says to me. "What can I say? I'm a miracle." I giggle.  
Me and Brooklyn sit and await for everyone else to start waking up, during the time Brooklyn asks me if I could teach him how to draw. I just told him it takes practise, like singing.
Moments later, Andy walks out of his room and looks over at us. "Morning, how long have you been up?" He asks politely. "Only since 6:30am" I reply smiling. Andy doesn't look at all surprised. "Excited are you?" He asks. "Is that a question of course I am!" I reply.
Shannon enters the room says "Morning." And goes to get a drink from the kitchen and Andy goes with her.
Mikey, Lucy and Rye all join us in the living room and sits themselves down. "Now who's excited?!" Mikey asks excitedly. Everyone stays quite as they were tired except from me. "ME! I can't wait!" I shout.
It was now a competition between who would get up first. Jack or Mel?
Moments later Jack walks into the room and we all clap. "Well done bro, you got up." Brooklyn says laughing.
Some time after Mel enters the room and me applaud her "Congratulations babe you won!" Mikey says, winking at her. "I won what?" She asks. "You were the last person to get up!" Lucy says, giggling.
I check the time it was 9:03am, some of us went into the bathrooms to get changed and some of us changed in the bedrooms. Brooklyn got changed in the bedroom and let me change in the bathroom. I decided to wear a black t-shirt along with denim overalls and black boots.

I also decide to bring a black backpack to put all my belongings in it

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I also decide to bring a black backpack to put all my belongings in it. Soon enough everyone was ready to hit the road and head to Universal Studios. I was so excited I could burst! Andy decided to borrow a tour bus from a friend of the bands, his name was Harvey. He did this so that we could all travel together. We all clamber into the tour bus, I sit by Brooklyn and during the way there he slips his hand into mine and our fingers intertwine. For the rest of the way to Universal Studios we were holding hands and were randomly talking and flirting. Everyone was starting to become excited and weren't as sleepy which meant that I could rant about how amazing Universal Studios is. I excitedly explain to them how much fun it is and how they will all enjoy it so much. I didn't think Lucy and Rye were listening though, they were too busy kissing each other passionately in the back of the tour bus. I giggle and don't say anything and let them continue doing their thing.
I start seeing the signs for Universal and adrenaline fills my body. I squeeze Brooklyn's hand in excitement and he laughs. Andy looks over at us and just smiles he could tell I was happy and safe around Brooklyn.
After a 10 minute journey the massive sign saying "Universal Studios" appears in front of me as we begin pulling into the parking spaces.  I smile widely, we all soon get out of the car and stretch and begin walking towards Universal.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for 200+ reads on this fanfic. Sorry I didn't upload yesterday but I was busy and was working on trying to make this one longer, the next chapter will be long like this one as well so don't worry about that! Love you guys!! Xx

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