Chapter Seventeen - Injuries..

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Nobody expected it..
Red and blue lights flickered and loud sirens echoed throughout each of our ears.
Two of my closest friends was just victims of a horrific accident..
Jack was hit.. he was hit trying to push Lucy out of the way of the car but it didn't end well.
Lucy lied on a stretcher as she was struggling to walk, blood trickled down from her leg and her elbow. Lucy was carried into an ambulance and Rye of course went with her. Jack climbed into the same ambulance as his injuries weren't as bad but he still had to be checked by doctors.
I was in shock.. We all were..
It happened so quickly and there wasn't anything I could do about it.
We all said that we would meet them at the hospital as we had to get to the villa first and then drive there.
The whole walk home Brooklyn kept me close to his side, feeling ever so over protective.
The whole journey home I didn't once speak I was so in shock by what just occurred, we never should have went to the club..
We rushed back to the villa and I changed out of my alcoholic smelling clothing and got into my joggers, a vest and a hoodie.
I head straight back to the living room and wait for everyone else to get changed. After a few minutes Brooklyn, Mikey and Mel meet up with me in the living room. There was no sign of Shannon or Andy. However suddenly Andy approaches me and says "Shannon is feeling tired so I am going to stay here with her and we will see Lucy and Jack tomorrow." I look at Andy blankly, "One of your best friends is in the hospital and you are going to wait till morning?!" I shout, looking disappointed at Andy. "Do you not care about Jack and Lucy?! I am so disappointed in you Andy!" I snapped. My eyes begin to well up in tears from anger but I hold them back.
"Of course I care about them! But we will see them in the morning!" Andy says looking at me. "Fine, but if he really was your best friend you would see him as soon as possible!" I snap.
I walk out of the front door towards the tour bus with Mel, Mikey and Brooklyn following closely behind me. Mikey ended up driving to the hospital as us girls had been drinking and Brooklyn can't drive, so he got himself in the drivers seat and stepped on the accelerator.
We reached the hospital in no time, as soon as the tour bus stopped I jumped out and sped walked towards the reception of the hospital.
"Hi, do you know where I can find Lucy Green and Jack Duff, we are friends of theirs." I ask the receptionist nicely.
"Oh yes, they are both on the 3rd floor in rooms 303 and 305, But could you quickly sign in to say that you have visited them?" The receptionist reply's with a smile on her face. We all sign our names and head straight to the elevator that takes us to the 3rd floor.
Me and Brooklyn decided to go and visit Jack first in room 303, while Mel and Mikey visited Lucy in room 305.
Before entering the room, Brooklyn slips his hand into mine and smiles at me. "They will be okay, trust me." He says. I smile back at Brooklyn and we enter the room.
Jack was sat up on the clean hospital bed covered head to toe in black and red bruises with a small stitched scar on his forehead. I frowned and me and Brook both walked over to him. "Hey man are you okay?" Brooklyn asks, sitting down on a chair near to the bed. "Yeah I am feeling okay just a bit sore." Jack replies smiling at me.
"That's good, I have been constantly worrying about you and Lucy." I smile back at him, sitting on Brooklyn's lap.
"I hope Lucy is okay, she is worse off, I wish I could of done something more." Jack says looking down at the ground sadly. I loose my smile, "You did everything you could, don't put yourself down!" I say looking at him.
"I get discharged tomorrow morning!" Jack says surprisingly.
Me and Brooklyn stayed in Jacks room for a while, speaking to him and trying to cheer him up. But it was time for me and Brooklyn to go and see Lucy.
We exit Jacks room and we walk towards Lucy's room 305. Rye was stood outside with puffy eyes and a large worried frown across his face. Brooklyn walks straight over to him and pulls him into a brotherly hug.
I rush over to them both and I hug Rye. "Is she okay?!" I ask Rye with blood shot eyes.
"I don't know they won't let me in to see her even though I am her boyfriend." He says, looking at the floor.
A doctor come out of Lucy's room and I demand that we go in and see her. The doctor says that only family can go and see her so I shout and say "We are her family!" The doctor looked fed up with trying to argue with us so finally she said that we could go in and see Lucy.
We slowly open the door and there she was..
Rye rushes straight over to her and kneels down by the side of her hospital bed, holding her hand and kissing it.
Lucy was covered in bruises and she had a white cast on her foot and her elbow was strapped up. Her face instantly light up when she saw us and she smiled as much as she could.
Me and Brooklyn both rush over to her side and I ask how she is.
"Jess I am fine, stop worrying." Lucy says, looking at me with a slight smile on her face. "Sorry but I can't do anything but worry!" I say looking at her, hopefully.
"I have got three fractures in my foot and a torn ligament in my elbow." Lucy says looking over at Rye, reassuring him that she's okay.
"Babe that will bloody hurt, you are so strong!" Rye says smiling at Lucy.
"They said that tomorrow night I can be discharged from this horrible place!" Lucy says forcing a smile.
"That's good then!" Brooklyn replies, smiling at Lucy.
"I will have to be in a wheel chair for a few weeks though." Lucy says looking down at her foot and over at her elbow.
"I will stay with you tonight babe, I am not leaving you!" Rye says looking at Lucy, lovingly.
Me and Brooklyn decided that we would leave Rye and Lucy alone to give them some alone time, so with that me and Brooklyn said our goodbyes to them both and we told them that we would see them tomorrow.
We exit the room and meet back up with Mikey and Mel, we all get into the tour bus and Mikey drives back home to the villa.
Once we arrive back at the villa, Mikey and Mel went straight to bed as it was 4:05am. Shannon was already asleep, however Andy wasn't, he looked absolutely knackered. "How were they?" He asked nervously. "If you came to see them you would know." I snap, Brooklyn takes my hand. "Jack was okay, nothing more than bruises and some stitches but Lucy has a torn ligament and three fractures." Brooklyn replies to Andy. "Oh okay, we will see them tomorrow, is Rye staying with them?" Andy asks. "Yeah he is." Brook states.
I decide that I was going to go to bed while Brooklyn and Andy speak with each other. I kiss Brooklyn's cheek a goodnight and I walk to the bathroom. I couldn't be bothered to change into my pjs so I brushed my teeth and got myself tucked into bed. Around 20 minutes later, Brooklyn hops into bed and cuddles me. I turn to face him and he smirks at me, "Gorgeous they are both okay." He says. "I know.." I reply to him. He looks at me, lovingly and we both lean in and we share a long and passionate kiss. He pulls away and that is when he tells me that he loves me.. I was shocked but I knew my reply straight away. "I love you too Brooklyn." With that we both fell asleep with a smile on our faces.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it please let me know what you think by commenting! Love all you fellow Roadies xx

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