Chapter Fifteen - No Sleep.

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As soon as we step foot in our villa we all run around like crazy people, changing into our pjs and collecting as much food as possible. We all quickly rush back to the sofa and take a seat, making ourselves comfy for the long night ahead of us. We have decided that we will all sleep in the living room together. Our eyes all scanned to the large TV, hooked onto the wall, as Andy turns it on. "What shall we watch?" I ask looking around at everyone. "I don't mind." Harvey replies to me. "How about anything Marvel or DC?" Some of the boys suggest. Me and Mels eyes lit up as soon as we heard the words Marvel and DC. "Ooo Marvel movie anyone?" I say excitedly. We all take a vote and the first movie we end up watching was "Deadpool!"
Jack walks over to the lights and slowly dims them as the popcorn is passed around. The movie soon began, I was sat cuddled up next to Brooklyn and the other side of me was Mikey and Mel. The others scattered themselves around on the sofas, Lucy and Rye sat with Andy and Shannon and then Jack and Harvey spread out across the last sofa available.
We were all getting really into the movie except from Lucy and Rye, you will most likely be able to guess what they were busy doing. They were too busy sticking their tongues down each others throats. "Seriously, you cant keep off of each other for two minutes?!" Harvey says looking over at them, eye rolling. "Oh pipe down!" Rye says pulling away from Lucy and laughing. "Chill Harvey, just try and concentrate on the film." Mikey says, trying not to laugh.
Half way through the film, the popcorn had began to run out so I decided that I would go and get more from the kitchen. I got up quietly from the sofa and I tip-toed towards the kitchen, closing the door behind me.
• Brooklyn's POV •
I noticed that Jess had gone to the kitchen very quietly as she didn't want to disturb anyone, so I decided that I would follow her so I could help her carry in the pop corn. I lifted myself up from the sofa and quietly walked out of the living room towards the kitchen. I open the door to the kitchen and I see Jess struggling to reach the popcorn which was on one of the higher shelves. Jess is quite short so seeing her struggle to reach an object on a high shelf wasn't new. I walk towards her quietly and then I lift her up in the air so she could reach the shelf.
• Back To Jess' POV •
I let out a squeal as I feel a strong, familiar pair of arms lift me up into the air. I look down and smirk, it was Brooklyn of course. I end up reaching the popcorn on the highest shelf as he lifts me up. He then carefully puts me back down and I place the popcorn on the kitchen counter. He smirks at me and says "Hey gorgeous." I smile at him and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. "What was that for?" He asks, smirking at me cheekily. "It was to show my appreciation for you.." I smile shyly.
He smiles at me and picks up one of the tubs of popcorn and I pick up the other one.
We walk towards the living room and open the door quietly, we soon sit ourselves down once again and pass around the pop corn.
An hour passes and the movie comes to an end. "I can't wait for the next one!" I say excitedly. "Me too!" Mel says happily, reaching for the remote for the television. The clock turns 12:03am and Mel asks around what movie everyone would like to watch next.
"How about horror?" I suggest smirking at Andy. "What no!" Andy shouts. "Is my favourite cousin scared?!" I laugh looking him with a cheeky grin on my face. "Fine.." Andy says looking terrified.
Mel turns on a movie called Final Destination 3 and then I cuddle back up to Brooklyn, leaning my head on his shoulder and pulling the blankets up to my face. I look over at Andy and his eyes are wide open, he doesn't like horror movies, so that's why I suggested it. Plus then he gets to look like a cute scared puppy in front of Shannon. I giggle and point at Andy and Shannon sees, she laughs at him and then holds his hand, making him feel safer but more like a little girl.
An hour and a half later, the movie ends. The movie wasn't that bad but there was a few jump scares which made everyone jump in fright. We all decided that we didn't want to watch another movie yet, so we all decided to do our own thing. Rye rushes over to me, Brook and Harvey. Rye begins laughing loudly and points towards Jacks room. We all rush into Jacks room and there we was, led on his bed, asleep with baby powder covering him. Rye then beckons us back to the living room, where we all burst out in laughter. "What did you do?" Lucy asks looking confused. I drag her towards Jacks room where she sees the mess. She also lets out a loud giggle in the living room. I check the time on my phone and it was 3:11am, most of us weren't tired except from of course Jack who was already fast asleep in his room, covered head to toe in baby powder. All of us girls decided that we wanted to make a huge pillow fort but none of the boys wanted to join in. This meant that we took over the living room and kicked the boys out so we could make the fort. "We will show them what they are missing out on!" Lucy laughs looking around at us girls, whilst she collects a few pillows. After an hour of collecting pillows, blankets and fairy lights. The fort was done, we finished it of with placing Mel's laptop down so we could watch YouTube and movies! It was mesmerising...

All of us girls were super proud of our work

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All of us girls were super proud of our work. Mel, Lucy and Shannon all climbed into the fort and made themselves comfy, while I volunteered to go and collect the boys.
All of the boys including Jack (Yes the boys woke him up at 4:13am) were in Rye and Lucy's room practising singing for their new cover before recording it the next morning. They were all singing "There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back" by Shawn Mendes. They all have beautiful and unique voices, I knock on the door to Rye and Lucy's room and Andy opens the door. "Come see what we did!" I say excitedly. "It's going to be lame." Andy says looking at me, with boredom in his eyes. "Listen to her, Just let's go and have a look!" Brooklyn replies, smiling at me.
All the boys enter the living room and climb into the pillow fort. "Okay I regret what I said! This is amazing!" Andy says looking around in amazement. "How did you do this in such little time?" Harvey asks. "Magic.." Shannon says smirking.
For the rest of the time we watched tones of YouTube. As the clock turns 5:00am everyone soon became very exhausted and wanted to go to sleep. Jack rushed to his bed and was soon fast asleep once again. Andy and Shannon went to sleep in their room, Rye and Lucy slept in their room and Mikey and Mel slept in their room. That left me, Brooklyn and Harvey in the pillow fort. Brook tried to get me to sleep in our bed but I refused as I wanted to sleep in the fort due to me feeling slightly childish. Brooklyn warned Harvey to keep his hands away from me and I just smiled at Brook. Harvey slept a few feet away from me on the other side of the pillow fort. Brooklyn plants a kiss on my forehead and says "Goodnight gorgeous."  and with that I soon fell asleep in Brooklyn's loving and secure arms.

Hello everyone!! Xx Sorry it has taken me so long to get this chapter out but I have been doing mock exams in school. I love all of you!! Xx Please let me know what you think of this fanfic and give me ideas in the comments! Xx

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