Chapter Thirty Four - Packing & Meeting Zach.

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It was the last day in America and it was going to be a eventful one, we were going to make the most out of this last day we have together. Later me, Brooklyn and Chris are going to visit Zach aka BadZach so that I can be introduced to him and get to know him as we would be working together in the future.
• 9:03am •
I was already awake and I had dragged my large suitcase onto my bed, where I tried to be as quite as possible as Brook and Jack were still asleep, looking super peaceful. I began to pile some of my clothing and shoes into my suitcase, carefully, making sure there was enough room for everything. I also included packing some of the gifts that I brought whilst being in America for my family. I made sure that they were all wrapped safely and placed in the suitcase, securely. After putting my individual items of clothing into the large suitcase, I went to grab something to eat from the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, I grabbed an apple and a glass of fresh, cold water. I sat in the kitchen, taking a few bites out of the green, juicy apple and little sips from my water.
Mikey walked into the kitchen, with a smile on his face, prepared for his relaxing day ahead. "Oh hey Jess.." Mikey stated, smiling at me. "Hey Mikey!" I reply, cheerfully. "How are you feeling about meeting Zach later?" He asked. "A little bit nervous, I'm not that great around new people." I respond, taking another bite out of my apple. "Don't be nervous, Zach is one of the coolest people I have ever met, plus you got Brooklyn." He replies, smirking slightly. "Yeah I guess you are right." I answer, blushing nervously. Me and Mikey continue to talk about the day, I also asked him about Mel as I hadn't really had the chance to privately speak to her. He told me she was doing just fine, along with her baby that she was carrying in her stomach. I was relieved to hear that she was happy in her current state and not having any second thoughts.
Time soon flew by and the clock hit 10:00am, I waltzed out of the kitchen and went to change out of my joggers and my baggy shirt in the bathroom. I knock on the bathroom door and I hear the shower running. Brooklyn opens the door in his towel, ready to get into his shower. "Yes babe?" He asks, with a smirk spread across his face. "S-Sorry.. I didn't know you were getting in the shower, I was just going to get changed." I say, going a pale pink as I was blushing. "Just come on in and get changed, nothing to hide." He replies, winking at me. "I can get changed in our room if it's a hassle." I state. "No, Jack is still asleep, I don't mind you changing." He comments, placing a kiss on my lips. With that I entered the bathroom with my clothing in my arms, locking the door behind me. Brook jumped into the shower as I changed myself into my new, better smelling clothes. I changed into black denim shorts and stole one of Brooklyn's hoodies, his red and white "Supreme" hoodie to be exact. I sprayed myself with some perfume and body spray and then added a tad of makeup to my face. As I was adding my mascara to my eyelash, the shower turned off and Brooklyn grabbed a towel, wrapping it around himself and got out of the shower. I couldn't help but watch the water droplets drip down his face in the reflection of the mirror. I focus back to putting on my mascara and then I feel a hand on my waist and hear Brooklyn whisper in my ear. "You look good with my hoodie on." He says, in his soft and relaxing voice. I turn around and place my lips onto his, giving him a passionate kiss. He deepens the kiss, whilst grabbing my waist pulling me closer to him. That's when there was a knock on the bathroom door, I roll my eyes and shout "What?"
It was Jack, he was wanting to get changed in the bathroom, Brooklyn told him to get changed in one of the others bathrooms, but he insisted that he should get changed in our one. "Wait your in there too Brook?" Jack asked, trying to hide his laughter. "Yeah now scram." He said, not finding it funny. "Ahhh okay, I didn't want to know what you guys were doing anyway." Jack states, laughing. He eventually leaves from outside the bathroom and me and Brooklyn left the bathroom ready to go to meet Zach. Chris texted Brook for us to meet him there and with that we left the villa and followed the address given to us.
• Outside Zach's House •
Me and Brooklyn arrive at a modern looking home and outside of the house stood Chris. He beckoned us over to him, "Ahh managed to drag along Brooklyn I see." Chris stated, letting out a little laugh. "Anything for my girl." Brooklyn commented, holding my hand tightly. I moved my eyes to Chris's hand where he was silently cringing and spazzing out and I couldn't help but laugh. Chris knocked loudly on the large door in front of him and a young man, I presumed was Zach opened the door and welcomed us in. He moved his eyes to me and took his hand and placed it in front of him, preparing for me to shake his hand. I extend my arm, shaking his hand "Hi I'm Jess!" I say, enthusiastically. "Hey, I am Zach, it's nice to meet you." He replied, in a strong American accent. His eyes then glanced past me and looked at Brooklyn, they bro hugged for a few seconds before laughing and saying how long it had been since they last saw each other. "Zach this is my girlfriend and also our new photographer along side Chris." Brook commented, smiling proudly. "Oh damn, nice! I can't wait to work with ya'll." He smiled, invitingly. "She is super talented!" Chris added, looking at Zach seriously. "That's a lot coming from you, she must be incredibly talented, you are one lucky man Brook." Zach commented. "Oh jeez stop.." I joke, my facing turning a pale pink from the compliments. Zach invited us all into his home and we sat down and spoke about the work that would be ahead of us. Whilst speaking, Brooklyn put his arm around me, and kissed my hand, proudly which made a smile form on my face.
• A Few Hours Later •
After talking professionally with Zach and the others, we let ourselves out of his house, he shook my hand goodbye and wished to see me again soon. Zach hugged Chris and Brooklyn and he told them that he would miss them both. I thought it was so sweet and I let out a little "Awwwwhh!" They death glared at me then burst out laughing.
We eventually left his house and we also parted ways with Chris. Me and Brooklyn returned to the villa at around 3:45pm, we entered the villa and spotted everyone in the pool straight away. Me and Brooklyn both locked eyes and smirked at each other, "You thinking what I am thinking?" I ask him, he nods at me. We checked our pockets, making sure nothing valuable was on us and we opened the sliding door quietly, so nobody would hear it.
Once it was open, we ran towards the pool and jumped in, whilst being fully clothed and holding hands. Everyone jumped back in shock, once our heads bobbed back above the water, everyone began laughing.
And yet again just like that, this was another amazing evening, surrounded by the people we love.

Hey guys, thank you for reading yet again another chapter of this fanfic. Thank you for being patient with me and I do appreciate each and every one of you that help me out. Let me know what you thought of this chapter in the comments! Xx

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