Chapter Thirty One - Shopping!

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I wake up in Brooklyn's arms and I smile to myself. There is only a few days left till we fly back home to our beloved families so we have to make the most of these last few days. I sit myself up from the cramped bed that me and Brooklyn both led on, I sniffle slightly and sigh, seeing my cold was still there. I don't think we had anything planned today but I decided that I would gather a small group of us to go shopping. I lift my legs out from underneath the covers and I place my feet on the cold, wooden floor. I walk towards the bathroom and as quickly as possible, I brush my teeth and put a simple amount of makeup on. I tiredly walked back into me, Brook and Jacks room and I pick out my clothes and placed them on my bed. I choose a pair of ripped blue denim shorts, a black quoted shirt and a pair of black boots. I also added a grey jacket just in case I became cold.

As Brooklyn and Jack were both asleep I decided that I would change next to my bed

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As Brooklyn and Jack were both asleep I decided that I would change next to my bed. I pull my pyjama shorts down, quickly and then I replace them with my denim ones. I lift my pyjama t-shirt off and I grab my shirt from my bed. I turn around and see Brooklyn staring at me in my bra. "Omg!" I screech, pulling my shirt over myself quickly. Brooklyn sits himself up in bed and smirks at me cheekily. "Morning beautiful." He said in his deep morning voice. "Morning... Brook, how long were you watching me for?" I ask, walking over to him and planing a kiss on his forehead. "Not long." He smirks. "Hmm okay." I say, looking at him. "Any plans for today?" He asked, patting his bed, for me to sit down. "I was thinking maybe some of us could go shopping today?" I ask, offering for him to come. "Yeah, sounds good to me." He replies, kissing my cheek. "Good good." I state, running my hands through his blonde hair.
"Get your own room, without me in it." I hear Jack say, tiredly. "Sorry Jack! Do you want to come shopping today?" I apologise and then ask. "No thanks, I'm just going to sleep." Jack replies, pulling the covers back over his head.
Brooklyn tells me that he would meet me and whoever else is coming shopping in the living room in half an hour, so with that I made my way to the living room. I see Andy sitting alone, so I join him. "Morning little cousin." He says, smiling. "Morning Andy, would you like to come shopping with me and Brooklyn today?" I offer, repaying Andy with a smile. "No I'm okay, I'm sure Lucy and Rye will take up on your offer, they have been dying to get out of the house!" He states. "Okay I will ask them, how are you anyway?" I ask, feeling interested in what my cousin was up to. "Well most of us will be preparing for the concert tonight." Andy says. "I completely forgot about the concert!" I state, surprisingly. "Haha, I don't blame you, I only remembered yesterday." Andy replied.
After speaking with Andy for a while I knock on the door of Lucy and Ryes room and I hear Rye shout "Come in!" I enter the room and Lucy was snuggled up to Ryes chest. "Ohh sorry, um me and Brook are going out to the shops do you and Lucy want to come with?" I ask, looking over at Rye and then Lucy. Lucy's face lit up, "Yes! I am going!" She states. "Well I guess you have your answer." Rye mentions. I tell Lucy and Rye to meet me and Brook in the living room in half an hour.
• Half An Hour Later •
Me, Brooklyn, Lucy and Rye all met up in the living room and then hopped in the tour bus, which was parked outside the villa. Once we reached the shopping centre we all got out and took in the breathtaking view of the grand centre. Me and Lucy excitedly rush off with the boys closely behind us. "Where to first?" I ask, turning to Lucy. "Over there!" She points at a welcoming little store that had lots of over priced but beautiful clothing. Me and Lucy rummaged through the clothes in the store and we picked out some t-shirts that we liked, meanwhile Brook and Rye were stand close to us, giving their opinions on the clothing we picked out. After paying for our clothes, we ask Brooklyn and Rye what shop they would like to go to. They both walk towards the gaming store and Lucy rolls her eyes. I walk closely behind Brooklyn and excitedly rush into the store, looking at each and individual video game. Brook picks up a few video games of his choice and takes it to the cashier, where he pays for it. Rye isn't far behind Brooklyn as Rye also buys two brand new video games.
After walking around a few more gift shops, my stomach begins to grumble. "Someone's hungry." Lucy laughs, looking down at my annoying stomach. "Let's get some food then." Brooklyn smiles, looking over at Rye and Lucy. "Yesssss the food court." I try to whisper, becoming excited over food. All three of them look over at me and laugh, "did I say that too loudly?" I ask, looking over at Rye and then laughing along with them. Lucy nods her head and then her and Rye began to shuffle over to the food court. I saw McDonalds and I grabbed Brooklyn's hand and rushed towards the line. "Twenty chicken nuggets?!" I excitedly mumble, looking at Brooklyn with big puppy dog eyes. "Yeah we can eat here and I'm buying the nuggets." He replied, smiling at me. "Are you sure, I don't mind paying.." I comment, relaxing my head on his shoulder. "I'm sure babe." He says, kissing my forehead.
After Eating Our Nuggets •
Once we had all finished eating our tasty, golden chicken nuggets there wasn't much for us left to do. So with that Rye stops and opens his backpack, he pulls out the vlog camera and starts recording. Me and Lucy both tried to avoid and stay out of the view of the camera so the fans wouldn't go crazy. I sometimes took over recording and I moved the camera to Rye who was running into different objects with Brooklyn stood staring at him oddly.
Lucy tapped my arm and showed me the time on her phone, it was 3:30pm and the boys concert started at 5:00pm. Noticing what the time was, Rye stopped the recording on the camera and we all hurried back to the tour bus. The boys normally had an hour to themselves before the concert and it took around 40 minutes to return home from the shopping centre. Brooklyn's phone began to buzz.
Brooks Phone •
Brooklyn: "Hello?"
Andy: "Yeah it's me, where are you?"
Brooklyn: "Sorry we lost track of time, we are on our way home now."
Andy: "What! No don't go home, come straight to the venue otherwise you will be late!"
Brooklyn: "Okay, but how will you get to the venue?"
Andy: "We are already here, Blair gave us a ride, the girls are coming along too."
Brooklyn: "Yeah of course, we will meet you there."
Andy: "Alright dude, I will see you there in a bit."
Brooklyn: "Yeah bye."
• Back To The Tour Bus •
After Brooklyn ends the phone call he tells us to turn around the tour bus and head towards the concert venue at full speed, otherwise we would be late..

Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry if it doesn't seem great at the moment I promise it will get better in the future! Thank you for reading and voting for each chapter I publish, it means the world to me! Xx Last note, I will try my best to post a chapter every Sunday! Xx

After The Show! (Roadtrip / HRVY Fanfic!) XxWhere stories live. Discover now