Chapter Thirty Eight - The Baby.

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Months go by, very quickly, how time flies huh.
Brooklyn took me to Essex to meet his mother and I even ended up meeting his friend Luke. His mother was welcoming and very sweet, she was absolutely lovely and Brooklyn was happy to see me and his mother happy.
Lucy and Rye continued to have their small, unwanted arguments, at one point they took a break from each other but it didn't last long as they overcame the argument and were still in love with each other.
My cousin, Andy and my best friend Shannon finally made things official between them, after their constant flirting but denying of liking each other.
Mikey and Mel were both pleased with the positive reactions from their families and the support they received. Mel was very pregnant, she was crying over everything, stealing everyone's snacks and stole the food from the fridge, which was constantly being filled up. She was about to burst and give birth at any point.
Jack met a beautiful and sweet girl called Nina, they both admitted to having romantic feelings for each other very soon. They also both shared the same interests for example sleeping.
Overall myself and Brooklyn's relationship is running smoothly and I couldn't ask for anything better. Over the months I also worked closely with Blair and Chris, helping Chris with some small photography events, as he required help and was overloaded by work and stress.

At this minute in time it was early hours in the morning on a Thursday morning, around 2:03am. I was led in bed with Brooklyn watching tv as we both couldn't go to sleep. That was when my phone lit up and began to ring, Mikey's photo popping up. I looked over at Brooklyn, meeting his eye before picking up the phone.
Me: "Hello, Mikey whats this about, it is 2:03am."
Mikey: "Jess, you and Brooklyn have to come to the hospital, Mel has gone into labour and I don't know what to do."
Me: "Okay we will be right there, take some deep breaths hun."

With that very quick phone call ending abruptly, I turned to Brooklyn and told him the news. His tiredness soon turned into happiness and he rushed me out of the front door, with only our pjs on and car keys at hand. We jumped into the car and began the engine, soon enough we were off on our way to the hospital.

• 25 Minutes Later •
We reach the colossal and clean hospital entrance and hurried in to sign in and ask about Mikey and Mel. The lovely nurse gave us directions to their room after telling us where to sign in.
We went upwards two floors and reached the third floor, at the end of the hallway was a room with the numbers "305" marked on the door and a nurse stood outside. We asked the nurse if Mikey and Mel was okay and they said that they would check on them and then allow us entry to the room. She went into the hospital room and came back out six minutes later, telling us we could go in. Mikey was walking back and forth looking at Mel as she yelled, as the pain hit her. Brooklyn and myself embraced Mikey, hugging him tightly, telling him and Mel to breathe steadily.

A few moments go by and the doctors told me and Brooklyn to wait outside as Mel was about to pop and they only wanted Mikey in the room with them. That was understandable, so me and Brook left the hospital room and sat outside, holding each others hand. Eventually, I could hear Mel screaming in pain, this was when Rye and Lucy walked down the corridor to us. We all hugged each other and Lucy asked how Mel was doing and whether or not she was okay. We told them that she was okay but it was quite clear that she was mid way through giving birth, as her frustrated yells would echo though the hospital corridor.

About half an hour goes by, Lucy had fell asleep on Ryes shoulder and I was resting on Brooklyn's. The door of Mel and Mikey's room swung open, a midwife came out and beckoned us inside, indicating that she had given birth. We walked quietly into the room, knowing that Mel would be drained and tired. Mikey was stood next to the hospital bed, rocking back and fourth with a little baby. "Gender?!" Lucy asked excitedly and frantically. "It's a girl.." Mikey commented, smiling at all of us, then at the baby. Brooklyn and Rye both walked over to Mikey and hugged him, feeling happy and proud for him and Mel. "Have you picked out a name yet?" I asked, trying not to ruin the moment. "We were thinking, Maya." Mel stated, looking very exhausted. "I like that name!" Rye commented, adding his opinion. "Me too." Brooklyn added. Me and Lucy hugged Mel tightly and we both planted a kiss on her forehead.

After a while, Shannon and Andy bombarded the room and Shannon ignored Mikey, said hello to Mel and went straight to the fragile baby, Maya who was now dressed in pink. Shannon started rocking her back and fourth, supporting her head. Andy hugged Mikey and said "Congratulations" to both of them. We all spoke, happily and peacefully about the baby and how they would handle caring for her at such a young age but they said they could nagar as long as they were together.

It was time for us to say our goodbyes to Mel, Mikey and Maya and leave the hospital. We closed the door gently behind us and as we were on our way out we spotted Jack and Nina (his new girlfriend) walking in our direction. "Late as always." I joke as they come towards us. "Yeah yeah." He says as he individually hugs us all. "I told him we were going to be late but he didn't listen." Nina giggled. "Well anyway, the baby is so cute!" Shannon added with a smile on her face.

Soon we left the hospital and me and Brooklyn got home in no time, and yes I do go to add that we are living together now, exciting isn't it?! We ended the night watching the sunset go down, the sky filled with bright, pretty colours, vibrant pinks and oranges.

Thank you for reading this chapter, I will try to post the next chapter after my holiday as I won't have good enough wifi, give it a vote and I just want to let you know that his fanfic will be ending in two chapters time and then I will try to change small parts and the lay out, at my own pace. Thank you again for reading and I appreciate you all! Xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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