Chapter 4

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                                                  Sausage p.o.v

I stood up and started walking down to the office. My mind raced with thoughts o what I did this time. Break the water fountain? Did I piss somewhere I shouldn't have? Nah, I did that in second grade.  And anyways, I got out of the habit.

As I arrived to the principal's office, the vice principal, Shizune, opened the door to Principal Tsunade's office.

"Welcome, Uchiha" Said principal Tsunade. Her shoulder length blond hair was tied in loose ponytails. Her honey brown eyes scanned me over, probably checking or looking for something. What was she looking for? I questioned in my head. I thought that most guys had trouble staring at her face during a conversation, mainly due to her chest size, and the fact her boobs were slightly shown through the top of her green tank top. It was easy for me though, I'd rather stare at the Naru-booty.

Now I remembered. The Senju clan was a great ally with Uchiha's, and they have always been craving recognition and attention from us. If she was a true Senju, she would be calling him down to talk about his family, and who he was.

He was hoping she would be very proud to have me at her school.

"Mrs. Senju" I remembered she had married a pervert named Jiraiya, but decided to keep her own last name. (Yes, I threw those two together as a couple. I also did some research on tsunade and her last name may or may not be Senju)

"Please, if we may, let's skip past the honorifics. Please, call me Tsunade. anyways, I'm sue you're wondering why I've called you here." Her eyes still looked like they were looking for something as she spoke. I still questioned What was she looking for? Before it hit me.

"Of course. Doesn't any student wonder what they did to deserve being called down tot he principal's office?" I replied.

"I wanted to ask about that ... incident.. with that boy earlier. What did you do? You do realize he could have died, correct?" Her voice slowly rose at the end of that sentence. "you realize if he had died, then that would drive this school's reputation into the ground?"

"I am well aware of that."

"Then why would you BITE another student?"

"I -" I started, but never finished. I didn't know why I did that. Sure, I knew that I liked the blonde dobe, but I could have just punched the guy and FOUGHT the guy like a normal person. She was right, there was no need for such actions. But, the need to protect him...

i admit, it had been awhile sine I had blood that wasn't shipped over from the Senju clan and other people that were Uchihian allies. But that wasn't what triggered it.

Was it my liking for him?

No, it couldn't be. I'd liked and cared for others, but seeing him in danger like that, from that man, it sparked an emotion i had never felt before. What was it?

Love? No.

Kindness? No.

It definitely wasn't lust.

What was it?


It couldn't be true. I had never felt jealous of someone before. I had everything. I had money, a loving family, superhuman powers, and girls would jump at me naked for the slightest bit of attention. I had nothing to be jealous of.

But, when tha tman had gotten tha tclose to Naruto, i felt angry. Overprotective. Jealous. I was jealous over the fact that someone I didn't know was that close to my Naruto. MY NARUTO.

"He was touching my friend in an inappropriate way. I had to protect him."

"You could have just fought like a normal person."

"I realize that. But-"

"If you realize that, then there is no reason for you to do it again. I believe this discussion is over, Sasuke. Please, get back to class."

I was angry. Enraged. Pissed. That woman was lucky I didn't tear her throat out. But, I swore to myself, being it fighting like a human, or like a vampire...

I would protect the blonde dobe.

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