Chapter 22

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It's been like two years I'm sorry but whatevs here yous gos

Sasuke's p.o.v

I opened my eyes slowly, still half-lidded despite my efforts. I felt a vein pop in my temple as my brother's yelling and screaming continued.

"WAKE UP, OTOUTO! BREAKFAST IS READY!" I heard him scream from downstairs. I felt Naruto shift from beside me, his eyelids shooting open as he jolted awake. His azure eyes were shocked, and he didn't even waste time stretching before screaming back.


"Good morning to you to, Naruto." I said, chuckling a bit.

"Mmh, sorry for shouting, I'm really cranky in the morning." I chuckled as I placed a small kiss to his forehead.

"I can tell, baby. Though, we should get up before Itachi storms in on our naked bodies." Naruto laughed as I said that, a warm smile spreading to my face. The blonde tried sitting up, but groaned in pain and laid back down.

"I'm sorry, was I too rough? Here, let me carry you." I picked him up bridal-style, a blush spreading to his cheeks as I carried him over to my dresser.

I picked up a dark blue and white striped shirt for Naruto, giving him a pair of navy blue sweatpants. I picked up a fluffy black turtle neck shirt for myself, putting a pair of skinny jeans on easily due to my skinny legs. I had been called a twig more than once, with how tall I was but how skinny I was.

We both walked down the stairs hand in hand, Naruto running a hand through his golden locks. He looked like a wreck, his hair sticking in every direction, slight hints of bags under his eyes. I was more refined, but I was a bit messy.

We walked into the living room, seeing Itachi there with an apron on and a spatula in his hands.

"Qu'est-ce que cette putain vous a pris si longtemps? Votre nourriture est probablement froide maintenant!" Itachi screeched at us, waving the spatula around with his hand. He looked like a mother, with his hand on his hip and that spatula whirring around like a helicopter blade.

"You know we can't understand French, right?"  (there's a deer outside and it's very majestic thought I'd share) I asked him. (the deer are fighting now oh my ITS STARING AT ME THROUGH THE WINDOW OH GOD)

"Oui oui je sais. J'aime te crier dessus dans d'autres langues." Itachi said, still waving the spatula around.

"Did you two have fun last night?" Deidara chirped from behind Itachi. He could be spotted washing his plate and silverware.

"I could ask you the same question." Naruto snapped back at him.

"I feel bad for mother." I spoke up, making Itachi laugh. Naruto quietly strode over to the table, his hips swaying side to side. I also noticed he walked with a slight limp. Nothing too bad though.

He took a seat at the table, picking up the fork placed there and essentially devouring the sunny side up eggs made by Itachi. I walked over there and dug my fork into the hard scrambled eggs, just the way I like them. (I had to research eggs for this and I don't know if that's bad or not)

Naruto basically devoured the entire breakfast made, and I hate to admit it but Itachi was right. The food was a bit cold, but it was still bearable.

"So you two going to school today?" Deidara questioned us after we both finished our delicious breakfast, courtesy of Itachi.

"Not planning on it. Though, if I miss another day Iruka's gonna get all up in my face about it." Naruto replied almost immediately.

"Who's Iruka?" I asked him.

"Oh, I like to think of him as my Dad. Though, he's more like a big brother to me. He teaches 2nd grade, and he's totally gay for Kakashi." Naruto replied.

"Kakashi? you mean our homeroom teacher pervert who doesn't actually teach anything?" I checked with him.

"Yep. Iruka drops by the school to talk with Misuki, but they aren't friends or anything. Misuki is the librarian at our school, and Iruka loves books, so he comes down a lot. Whenever he's over, though, he always makes sure to talk to Kakasi-senpai." Naruto said, making himself sound sarcastic as he said Kakashi-senpai.

"But, I think Kakashi's totally gay for Yamato Sensei. But, Yamato seems to be either treesexual or asexual." Naruto finished.

"Why do you know all this?" I asked him.

"When I'm not talking, I'm listening and watching to find out everyone's weaknesses. I've had multiple girls walk up to me and ask for the latest school drama." Naruto replies nonchalantly.

We all slip into a peaceful silence until Mom walked down the stairs. She was wearing a Metallica tank top, along with sweatpants that read Gwar across the back. She walked over to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee, grabbing a packet of blood and mixing it in with the coffee.

"You boys have fun last night?" She broke the silence, smirking at the four of us. Naruto choked on his glass of water, and Deidara looked a bit embarrassed.

The question was left unanswered as Naruto's phone began to ring from the couch. I guess he left it there at some point. Naruto strode over and picked it up, flipping it open and reading the caller ID.

"Sorry, gotta take this." He apologized as he answered the call and put it on speaker.

"Naruto? Why aren't you at school yet? Is something wrong?" The voice of a worried Iruka rang through the phone.

"I'm fine, Iruka. I'm gonna have to hang up, I'm pretty busy. And, I've got a little tip for you." Naruto talked through the phone.


"Go get em' Iruka"

Naurot hung up the call, leaving his phone on the couch again.

"I should probably visit him. Today is parent teacher conference at the Elementary school he works at, so he's probably at our school." Naruto said looking at me.

"Want me to drive you?" Itachi asked.

"I should probably get some better pants first." Naruto replied, scratching the back of his head grinning.

He ran up to my room, coming back down with a pair of jeans. They weren't very tight, but they showed off all the right places.

He and Itachi ran out the door, Itachi grabbing the keys to his car as they ran out.

Damn, it's been a while. I've been thinking about this chapter for a while, and now it's finally out! Yay! And,a bit of a love situation is introduced among the teachers! Also, I wanna put Misuki in a coma I don't know why. And the deer left, but they were majestic and there were 3 of them.

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