Chapter 9

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Naruto let out a small gasp as I soon came to realize what just happened.

This is what they warned me about. This is why....

The bloodlust would take control, and I would bite.

I pulled away from Naruto's neck, not even bothering to lick the wounds closed. Despite the beliefs, a human couldn't turn into a vampire without the vampire's blood getting into their own. Not through bite.

Or that thing in Tokyo Ghoul happens when Kaneki becomes a ghoul. Damn, that show gets dark sometimes.

I ran away from Naruto, retracing my steps back down the mountain and into the city. I knew he was calling after me, but all the noises in the world were drowned out. The taste of the blonde's blood was still in my mouth, and on my fangs.

I was panting heavily, as beads of sweat rolled down my face, and my eyes started welling up with tears.

After running for a while, I reached my home estate, and luckily the door was unlocked. I didn't bother to ring the doorbell, or wait for someone to greet me. I burst through the door, not bothering to take off my shoes.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, and I ran into my room and face-planted the bed. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and plugged earbuds into it. I scrolled through my list of songs, until I found what I was looking for.

Dernière Danse by Indila

I had memorized the English lyrics, and as the French words came flooding into my ears, I recited the English ones alongside them.

Oh my Sweet suffering
Why bother you
I'm just an unimportant
Without him I am a little "paro"

Tears continued streaming down my cheeks as I wished for this horrible nightmare to end. But it wouldn't end, I couldn't go back. This was reality, and there is no reset button.

I walk alone on the subway
A last dance
To forget my immense sorrow
I want to run away, everything to begin again

I hugged my knees tighter, and my sobbing got louder as the music continued to play.

Oh my Sweet suffering
I move the sky, the day, the night
I dance with the wind, the rain
A little love, a bit of honey
And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
And in the noise, I run and I'm scared
Is it my turn?
Comes the pain
Throughout Paris, I abandon myself
And I fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly

What hope
On this path in your absence
I'm working hard, without you my life
Is a decor that shines, meaningless

Quietly, I began to sing along to the words. Once I got past all the raspyness of my voice, you could swear I was an angel. If any fangirls heard me singing, they'd jump at me naked, probably. I wish Naruto would forgive me. What am I thinking, he never will.

I move the sky, the day, the night
I dance with the wind, the rain
A little love, a bit of honey
And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
And in the noise, I run and I'm scared
Is it my turn?

Comes the pain
Throughout Paris, I abandon myself

And I fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly, fly

In this sweet suffering
I paid for all the offenses
Listen as my heart is immense
I am a child of the world

I was going to start the next verse, but I heard a knock at the door. I pressed pause on the music, and pulled out my earbuds. I slowly got up and opened the door.

"Jeez, sasuke. You look worse than Mom with French braids." spoke the monotone voice laced with worry that belonged to my brother.

I eased the door open, and despite Itachi's remark on how bad our mother looked with French braids I couldn't crack a smile. Itachi walked in and sat down on my bed, gesturing for me to sit next to him. I closed my door, and sat next to him.

He wiped my cheeks, and then came the questioning. "What's got you so worked up, otouto? I didn't think that it was too bad, since you do this all the time. Then I heard you singing, and decided you needed some company. So, whazzup?" The older man smiled a genuine smile, and god damn could he make any girl fall for him.

"I ruined it. I ruined everything. just like I always do." My own voice was laced in sadness, and no matter what Itachi did, I wasn't going to cheer up. The only thing to do that would be for...

No, no. Impossible. He'd never do that.

"What did you mess up? I'm sure it can be fixed. If you got expelled again, we can move. If you caused property damage, we can pay. If someone is threatening you, we'll sue. So, what is it?"

God, anyone would love Itachi. This entire family, have always done everything for me. Always made sure I made it. (I'm making Itachi that super cheerful helpful brother, not the overprotective or asshole brother. The kind one)

"I bit him. This is what I get. He hates me. I bit him, and I love him and now he's gone." I stared down at the floor, as the truth spilled out of my mouth while tears spilled out of my eyes, drops falling down onto my jeans.

Then. my brother laughed. Well, not really laughed, but chuckled. I looked up to his face, and he chuckled more.

"Naruto, right? You love him? Well, let me tell you something. He is very curious about you. He memorized the exact time you get out of your teacher's classes, and when he has time, he talks to me. He never has fear of me, or you, despite knowing us as vampires. He walks up to me, with so much excitement in his eyes, and talks to me like a normal person."

I couldn't believe it. Naruto had done that?

"And you know what? He never talked about me, or vampires, or the family. It was always about you. 'What was Sasuke's previous school' or 'How does Sasuke get all those bruises.' or something stupid like 'What is Sasuke's favorite color of fish?' Don't lose hope Sasuke. Please, feel better soon."

With that, Itachi stood up, his ponytail swinging back and forth as he waved out of the room. I curled up in my bed and continued to cry. Soon enough, I had cried myself to sleep.

Jeez, this is a long chapter.  Well, for this story's standards I think it is. Be ready for depressed Sasuke, which makes our nacho even more depressed. I hope you enjoyed, though.

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