Chapter 17

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Did I mention I just got 1k reads and I'm so goddamn happy? I never expected even 100 holy shit thanks so much. I have in my mind what's going to happen, considering naruto's huge ass family of homophobes, I just can't put it into words. Anyways, enjoy this next chapter.

Oh God knows
We're walking through a fire
Sound of breaking hearts around
Oh you know, we're burning in desire


Ruler of Naruto's ass p.o.v 

We went home, Itachi promising to call if anything happened. He had stayed with Deidara, probably to catch up.  I understood, since if I was split up with Naruto for so long, I'd want to catch up.

I blushed a bit, thinking about my wittle Naru-chan. (that's not a typo, just Sasuke thinking "wittle Naru-chan" is too damn cute I can't resist) I wasn't thinking things dirty, just how nice he is. How, on the first day of school he saw my fangs but didn't change. He thought I was cool!

"I'm gonna have to take a shower when we get home. " Naruto muttered.

"Mind if I join you?" I asked him cockily. (Hah, I wrote cock. I'm dead inside, me making my ships fuck hahahha)

"No." He replied quietly enough for only me to hear him. I felt my face blush up, not expecting the cinnamon roll to say that. While I did wanna see him naked, I also wanted to see if there were any other wounds or scars along his body.

I reached for Naruto's hand and held it in my own. I squeezed his hand reassuringly, and placed a kiss on the back of it.

He held his hand on my cheek, slowly turning to face me. He rubbed my cheek with his thumb, the feeling nice and warm. I couldn't help falling in love with him.

We reached my house, and stepped out of the house, his hand falling down to hold mine. It was pretty clear that Naruto desired cuddles and needed to hold hands. I guess he might have the insecurity that if he doesn't get enough hugs or kisses or something, he thought that his significant other didn't love him no more.

I wonder... How many people have dumped Naruto?

A loud knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, and Naruto ran over to check the door.

Naruto p.o.v

I opened the door and immediately raised an eyebrow. "Need something?"

I saw my foster parents there at the door, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.

"Son, you're going home." My father said.

"No." I quickly replied.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He said.

"No." I repeated.

"Then it's the hard way." He pointed a gun at my head, his finger on the trigger.

"Fine." I said, confidently.

"Fine?" He questioned.

"Shoot me." I told him.

"What?" He said, a bit shocked.

"Shoot me you pussy. Pull the trigger! I fucking dare you! Pull it!" I pointed the gun's barrel right at my head, and as the gunshot rang out, no pain followed.

I saw a blob f black and blue flash before me, then a lot of red. A few more gunshots. Screams. 

Then silence. The red drips down the walls, door, down the fangs of a shot vampire licking his own lips.

The word registers in my head: blood. They were dead as the blood drips down.

The last sound heard was my own scream. I felt arms wrapped around me and circles being rubbed on the lower part of my back.


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