Chapter 20

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Naruto p.o.v 

I looked down at my knees as my eyes watered again, my mind understanding everything. I gripped my thighs so tight my knuckles turned white, trying to fight the tears that threatened to fall.

Kakashi came over and wrapped his arms around me as I let go, burying my head in his chest, crying. I held his shirt in my balled-up fists, his own patting my back soothingly. 

I finally stopped crying as I let go of him, looking down again. Kakashi walked back to his desk, writing out a late slip for me. He also wrote out a gym pass, in case I needed to get out of the class. 

I took them both solemnly, my own body not even wanting to respond to me. I slowly made my way to Guy's class (please correct me if his name is spelt wrong), the feeling of wanting to be held looming over me. I wanted someone to sit there and hold me, cradle me in their arms, listen to my problems and tell me it's okay. 

Whenever I thought of someone that would do that for me, I immediately thought of Sasuke.  I could easily imagine him cradling me in his arms, whispering sweet nothings in my ears. It sounded heavenly, but I got the feeling Sasuke didn't want to talk to me, nonetheless hold me.

When I got to gym, I handed Guy Sensei the slip and gym pass. He told me to sit by the wall, since we were outside today with good weather and he couldn't let me out of his sight.

I quietly watched over the other students as they ran their laps. I spotted Sasuke in the middle of the big group, panting heavily. Sweat ran down his face as his mouth was open breathing heavily.

Sweat ran down his shirt, making the white piece of fabric slightly translucent. He looked extremely hot, and as he was panting I thought I could see sharp teeth peeking out from in his mouth.

The multiple bruises he had on his arms distinctly showed, and it looked like he had a bandage wrapped around his calf and lower chest. They reminded me of the ones I had seen Mikoto put on him in that dream...

Sooner or later everyone finished their laps. Coach had assigned 5 laps, but most decided to do more. Coach took us all inside where I sat on the bleachers as everyone else played a game of basketball.

Sasuke didn't participate very much, but when he did, especially when he would make a shot, he looked sexy. His shirt slightly went up when he made his shots, so the bandages around his lower chest could be seen.

I kept on remembering the dream over and over, thinking about the possibility of it actually happening. It looked so real. But, that wasn't true, was it? Dreams are dreams.

When class ended, I found myself being tugged through the hallway by the wrist.  Ino pulled me through the school hallway, leading me to the front gate. She tugged me outside, her grip on my wrist getting tighter. 

"I-Ino! You're hurting me!" I yelled at her. She turned around and pushed me against the school wall. 

"You idiot. Sasuke... he told me everything. And yet... here you are... letting those bastards get to you!" Ino shouted at me.

I looked at her shocked as she continued. "He said... that you would feel it was all a dream. That dream you had about Sasuke... Naruto i-it was real. It all happened. That goddamn government just wiped everything." She looked down at the ground. I understood why she was sad.

I felt bad when I started running, leaving her there. I ran to where I knew Sasuke's next class was. I quickly grabbed him before he got into the class, seeing him turn around to look at me. He tried to pull away, but I stopped him, trying to bring it back.

As we kissed, I felt the memories coming back to me. Everything we did, everything my foster parents did, the reason behind his scars. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. As I tangled my fists in his hair, I could just lose myself right here. 

We finally broke apart as I looked up at him as he was slightly shocked. I felt my bottom lip. There was a small trace of blood, his fangs had nicked it. 

He stuck out his tongue and licked over the wounds, getting rid of the blood. "It's good to know even a memory wipe can't separate us." I chuckled after I said that. I small smile reached his face.

"I knew you would pull through when Mother told me what happened. She knew she couldn't stop them, and I'm disappointed in myself for not being able to stop it." Sasuke looked a bit down, so I pecked him on the lips. He quickly blushed a bit, causing me to laugh.

"Won't they just erase them again?" I asked him.

"They now know you can overcome it. If they must they might hunt and kill you." Me and him shuddered at the thought. They'd hunt and kill me just for loving Sasuke? Love makes you do crazy things, I guess.

I could tell we had a battle to fight, and soon. If we don't do something soon, then everyone we know and love could be in danger.

"It'll be fine. We're in this together, we'll find a way." I said as I smiled up at him.

"Yeah. I guess we do have each other."

For those of you confused as fuck at the last chapter, and also if you didn't understand the explanation, the vampirian government is trying to get Naruto to stop loving Sasuke, since they have barely any vampires left. He woke up feeling as if it were all a dream, when it was not. Hope that explains it.

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