Chapter 2

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The next few classes went well, and I found out Sasuke was in all of them. As we were both walking down to lunch, he had to excuse himself for a minute. He never said why, but I continued my way down to lunch.

Someone stopped me, with a quite rude and perverted grab to my ass. My reflexes instantly kicked in, and I threw a punch at the perv's face. Instead, he dodged and hit me in the stomach. My hands wrapped around my stomach, trying to ease the pain.

The guy picked me up, and slammed me up against the wall. "You let me do whatever I like to you, and in exchange, you live. So, we have a deal?" He asked. Suddenly, he was pushed off of me, his followers shocked. I looked at my savior, seeing it was Sasuke. His eyes were staring into the soul of the other man's, and I could tell he was frightened. Those bored eyes now held an unseen rage.

Suddenly, he sunk his teeth into the other guys neck, his teeth digging into the skin, making a wound. The other man passed out, and fell on the floor. Blood started running down Sasuke's chin, dripping to the floor. The other two were about to run, before Sasuke gave them a menacing glare.

The other two went off to their next class, and the other man was left there. He looked at me, and seeing how afraid I was, he immediately wiped his chin and swayed over to me. His face got really close to mine, and the feeling his eyes were showing now pulled me in. "But, Sasuke. You have fangs, if we kiss, it will hurt." I said.

His eyes darkened, and he turned his head towards the floor. I looked at his expression, the way his body sagged. I wrapped my arms around him, and pulled him into a hug.

After I had let go, I wanted to actually look at them. I wanted to see. I pulled his face in my direction, and stretched his cheeks so I could look at his face. Sure enough, there were thin, small, and very sharp fangs in his mouth. I looked at his face, he looked ashamed.

"Cool!" I exclaimed. "So you really are a vampire!" I looked right back at him, his face full of surprise. No one had reacted to him like this. They would usually run away in fear, or try to kill him.

Knowing that sasuke was a bit of a loner and didn't talk much, i had learned how to read his facial expressions. I would have said something else to him, but he was ripped away by his rabid fangirls. They didn't even notice the bleeding guy on the floor.

Despite that he was trying to make a slave out of me, i still took him to the nurse. When she asked what happened i told her that I didn't know.

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