Chapter 11

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I'm super wrapped up in school and shit, so these updates are coming out slower. Enjoy this, since I'm actually updating. I won't discontinue the story, so don't worry. I wanna finish it myself, since I enjoy writing it. It will e finished (someday) so don't lose hope.

*Still Maru-chan's perspective (I'm running out of nicknames for these characters)*

I made my way back to the pot on top of the counter. The water was now boiling, so I grabbed the box of spaghetti, basically ripped it open since it was stubborn and didn't wanna open the easy way, and poured the noodles into the pot of boiling water.

I set the oven time to 6 minutes, like  said on the box, and waited around, stirring occasionally until the buzzer went off.

I turned off the timer, and dug around in more cabinets for one of those bowls with holes in the bottom so that I could separate the noodles from water.

I poured all the water down the sink drain, the bowl catching the noodles. I ran cold water over the noodles to stop them from cooking, cause no one likes burnt spaghetti.

I looked over, and Itachi was already setting the dinner table. He placed a hot pad on top of the table, which in fact was big enough for 8 people. The table was covered with a black cloth, and at the end were red strings, binding everything together.

I put the noodles back in the metal pot, and did the same as Itachi. I set a hot pad down on the table, and placed the pot of noodles down on top of it. (Did I ever mention I was writing this story until 11:00 p.m? So, Naruto and the Uchihas are having a very late dinner)

Itachi grabbed plates and silverware and placed them down on the table. There was a plate at one end, and a plate next to it. Another plate was next to that one. Opposite the two of them was an empty space and then two plates.

I wondered why there was an empty space between two plates and the one on the end of the table, but that thought ended pretty quickly when Itachi called out, "Dinner's ready!"

A grumpy looking old guy walked down the stairs. He looked like Dracula reincarnated. No joke. His hair was slicked back, and you could see the resemblance between him and Itachi. Mainly the lines on the side of their noses. 

He had a long black cape, and was dressed in black robes. If Sasuke was at least 1600 years old, I didn't wanna know how old this guy is.

Mikoto walked down the stairs as well, her face shining brightly as usual She wasn't dressed in the long white dress from before, but something much more casual. She looked like a divorced Mom on the weekend when their kids are with their father.

She was wearing sweatpants, and a black tanktop. How her and the other guy got together I have no clue, they seemed like polar opposites.

When I looked at the both of them together, it was pretty well to see.

Sasuke held the resemblance of his mother, while Itachi held the resemblance of his Father, which I guessed since Itachi looked similar to the man.

"I haven't had a human for dinner in centuries. Tell me, Itachi where did you find this young man?" The old guy looked straight at me when he said that, and I swear he licked his lips.

I shuddered until Itachi spoke in politely, "He is not to eat. There is spaghetti on the table, and even if you tried to harm this boy, Sasuke would murder, no matter what condition he's in."

I glanced over at Sasuke to see him turn his head upon hearing his name. When our eyes met, a slight pink reached his cheeks, and he turned back away again.

"Is Sasuke going to eat? It would be a shame it he missed out on this little dude's cooking." (I made Itachi talk like that once, now I can't help it. This is Itachi now guys)

Itachi patted my head, as I excused myself. I made my way over to Sasuke's place on the couch, and even if it killed me, I would get him off this damn couch and force food down his throat.

"Sasuke... Come on get up... It's time to eat." I nudged at his side, and he curled up into a tighter ball.

Tis time, I reached over again, and without saying anything, grabbed his hand and pulled him to face towards me. His face was dusted a light pink, his eyes wet and puffy. There were tear stains down his cheeks, and I guess I never noticed it or he was crying. 

On the couch.



I ran my thumb across his cheeks, and on the bottom of his eyes, affectively wiping away the tears. I dragged my fingers through his ruffled hair, grabbed both of his hands, and tried pulling him up.

I successfully got him standing, but he collapsed into my chest, barely holding up his own weight. I pulled him up again, but he just wrapped his arms around my neck to support himself.

"...Dobe" He whispered in my ear.

"I could just drop you." I replied.

"Please don't."

"Well then, support yourself and learn to walk."

"Can't you just carry me?"

"I can drag you across the floor." Sasuke pouted, and god he looked like a fucking angel, so I decided to reach around him, pick him up, and set him down at the table.

Sasuke just sat there, doing nothing, so I decided to strike up a conversation with him.

"Are you going to eat anything?" I looked over at him, and all he was doing was twirling his spaghetti on his fork, staring into empty space.

"...No" He replied, after a long moment of silence. I looked down at the fork he was loosely holding, and decided that I wouldn't go back on what I thought before. If he won't eat something himself, then I will force it down his throat.

I reached over for the fork twirling in his hand, and picked it up. He didn't give up much of a fight, until he realized what I was trying to do.

"Open your mouth. See? Like this. Go aaaah" I opened my own mouth to imitate what he should do, and surprisingly, he obeyed and closed his eyes and opened his mouth. I was shocked he had obeyed, since at school he was always disobedient.

I fed him before he closed his mouth again, and pulled the fork out of his mouth, leaving him with a mouth full of spaghetti and a glare sent in my direction. (you guys tired of hearing the  word mouth? Well, you might wanna pray for Sasuke to learn how to eat lol)

He swallowed the food, and looked right back at me. He looked like he wanted me to feed him again, so I repeated the process.

After the second time, he seemed to realize what he was doing, and grabbed the frok out of my hand and started gradually eating on his own. I chuckled at his unusual behavior, and went o eating my own dinner.

While I was sitting there, I barely noticed the entire family's stares at me and Sasuke. I also never noticed how red Sasuke was. I also didn't notice the conversation until I heard Sasuke screech.

"Fuck off!"

Did somebody toucha my spaghet?!!? I'm so sorry, I had to. Is it bad I listened to Simon Curtis's flesh while writing this? But whatever, you get a cliffhanger, AND a little bit of yaoi. I know sasuke normally doesn't act like this, but he's in one of the lowest points in his life, and Naruto seems like the only person from his school, no, that he knows, that is actually trying to help. And, of course, since Sasuke likes him, he's obeying like a good boy.

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