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Jimin's POV

"Hyung, where are you going?" Jungkook asked

"I'm going to Geumjeong and visit my family." I answered

"Can I come?" Taehyung did aegyo

"Nado!" Jungkook joined Taehyung

"And why would the two of you come with me? You're just going to be a headache." I said

"Ani. We will behave and I will be the one who will drive." Taehyung raised his hand

It's not a bad idea though. Since I'm still not that good in driving maybe I should bring this two with me.

"Okay. Here's the car key." I threw the key to him

The trip is a little long. It's a three hour trip by land. It's like a roadtrip. I think it will be a nice bonding with this dongsaengs.

We stopped at a McDonald's drive thru. I actually wanted to take out from a restaurant but the two insisted that they want McDo.

"Can I have an autograph?" the cashier shyly asked

"Sure." Taehyung took the paper and passed it to me

"What's your name?" I smiled

"Chaeyoung." she said

Chaeyoung. That's one of the most important names in my life especially Park Chaeyoung.

I wrote her name on the paper and signed it. I passed it to Jungkook and after, he passed it to Taehyung.

The girl looked very happy. She bowed about five times as a sign of gratitude.

We went on the road again. Taehyung and Jungkook won't stop talking. I am already tired. I wanna sleep.

I was in the middle of falling asleep when Taehyung suddenly spoke.

"Ya! Jimin don't fall asleep! Your my map. We might lost our way if you fall asleep." I straighten my body.

Right. He doesn't know the way to our house and he is not that good in using Google Map.


"Samchun!" Jiho ran to hug me

"Jiho. It's been awhile. Chim samchun missed you." I patted his head

"We also missed you, Jiho. Why don't you give us a hug too?" Taehyung and Jungkook pouted.

After my nephew hugged the two, we went inside. My brother wasn't there. Umma said he's still at work.

Right now, I am playing with Jiho while Jungkook and Taehyung is trying to help on cooking dinner.

Jiho is growing up fast. It's like he was just born yesterday and now he's already turning 7.

Everytime I see him, I can't help but remember Chaeyoung. She always helped me to take care of Jiho when he was still a toddler when my brother and his wife is at work. We have many good memories with Jiho.

If I didn't left her, maybe she's here with me and visiting my family together.

"Samchun! Your someone texted you!" Jiho grabbed my phone from the floor with his little hands and gave it to me

I read the text. It was from Chaeyoung.

From: Chaeyoung❤

Filming is done.

I can't help but smile. I am glad that we are still in contact. Even though he doesn't know that it's me. I'm still happy at least I am able to talk to her everyday.

To: Chaeyoung❤

You should rest. You must be tired.

After a few minutes, she still not replying. Maybe, she's doing something.

"Samchun! Who texted you?" Jiho peeked on my phone.

"It's your Chaeyoung-ie imo." I smiled

"Jinja? Please let me talk to her, samchun. I already miss imo." he hugged me

"Get your mom's phone first." I told him

He ran to the table near and came back to me with her Mom's phone in his hands. He gave it to me and I typed Chaeyoung's number.

"I'll call your imo through your mom's phone. Don't tell imo that I am the one that told you her number, promise?" I raised my pinky finger and locked it to his

"Promise." he raised his hand after the pinky swear.

I pressed call and made it on speaker phone.

"Yeoboseyo?" Chaeyoung answered the call.

Her voice gave chills to me. It's been years since I heard her voice on a call. Even her voice on a call sounds great.

"Chaeyoung imo is that you?" Jiho asked

"Ne. Who is this?" Chaeyoung answered and Jiho started to look very excited

"Imo! I missed you! This is Park Jiho!" Jiho said

"Jiho, is that really you? Imo misses you! Come and visit me sometimes." Chaeyoung sounded excited.

I wonder if I call her. Will she also be excited? Of course not.

"I've always wanted to visit you, imo but Jimin samchun wouldn't let me. He will always say that he doesn't know where you live." Jiho said sadly

It's true though I doesn't know where she lives. I don't even know that she was a trainee under YG.

"Yes. He doesn't know where I live." Chaeyoung told the truth

"Imo, it's my birthday next week! Can you please come?" Jiho invited her

"It's on Tuesday, right?" she asked

"Ne. Imo please come." My nephew pouted

"Of course. Imo will come." Chaeyoung said

What she said made me nervous but happy in the same time. I'm finally seeing her again.

"You're sure imo? Make sure to clear your schedules that day!!" Jiho started to smile from ear to ear. He is very happy.

"Yes. I will clear my schedule for you." Chaeyoung answered and that made Jiho smile even more

"Yey!! Kamsahamnida, Chaeyoung imo!! See you soon!" Jiho said excitedly

"Ne. Annyeong Jiho." Chaeyoung ended the call

I am glad she didn't asked how Jiho contacted her. I don't know what to do if Jiho would have said that's I gave her number to him in excitement.

After the call, Jiho is very happy. She told her mom to save Chaeyoung's phone number. He even kissed me on cheeks because of gratefulness.

"JIMIN HYUNG!!" I heard Jungkook shout and I went to him

"You're dead Jimin." Taehyung stared at me

"What?" I asked confused

"You're dead hyung. Bang PD will kill you." Jungkook said and it made me even more confused.

"How can you hide it to us?" Taehyung pouted.

Just what in the world is these boys talking about? As far as I know, I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't made a thing that will make PD-nim mad.

"You didn't tell us that you are dating Seulgi of Red Velvet, I thought you two were only friends and what's bad is Dispatch saw the two of you together." Jungkook pouted too.

What? Me and Seulgi? We're just friends. Dispatch is really a pain in the ass. I'm in trouble now because of them.

Fans may think that we are really dating. We are not. She's my close friend so it's normal to hang out with her and we were with some friends.

But still, Bang PD must be very mad right now.

I'm dead.

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