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"Is everything okay in the set of the filming of iKON's music video filming?" I asked the manager of iKON who's in front of me right now.

"Ne, sajangnim. Everything's great. They loved the set as it was perfectly what they expected." He answered.

"Make sure it finishes smoothly. It doesn't have to be fast, just be sure the outcome is great. Always remember that quality comes first." I reminded.

"We'll do our best, sajangnim." He said and I ended the call.

"You can go back to the set now." I said.

He bowed to me before leaving the office.

Being YGE's president is stressful. I have to take care of my artists who are all already like my own children. I've seen how all of them all grew up. They all became amazing and successful artists just like how I wanted them to be.

People give me a lot of hates but it's fine. What hurts me is that the media always tries their best to ruin my children's name just like what happened to Bom. I just hope it doesn't happen in the future anymore.

A knock from the door cut my thoughts.

"Sajangnim." I heard Chaeyoung's sweet voice from the outside.

"Come in." I said.

"I'm with someone." She said politely as she entered.

"He or she can come in too." I said and smiled a little.

I wasn't surprised that it was Bangtan's Jimin with her. I already know about them. I guess Sihyuk can't contain his excitement when Jimin told him about the relationship.

He immediately called me the day that the guy confessed about him dating. He was so happy about it.


"Hyunsuk-ah!" Sihyuk greeted from the other line.

"Why did you call?" I asked.

He doesn't really call me often unless he wants opinion on something or he's going to invite me to a get together. We normally hang out with Jinyoung. SM's president isn't that close to us.

"My Jimin and your Chaeyoung is dating. Can you believe it our children is dating!" He said, full of excitement.

"I think they're going to let you know sooner of later too. You're not going to disagree on them right? Don't you dare." He said the last sentence with a threatening but playful tone.

"Why would I? I always vote on where my artist would be happy." I stated a fact.

"That's good. I'm so happy. I need to go now. I just called you to say that." He said.

"Okay." I said and ended the call.

[End of Flashback]

"Annyeonghaseyo, sajangnim." The two of them greeted respectfully.

"You two can seat." I said to the both of them.

The two of them sat on the long sofa.

"What brings you here? Are we going to talk about your relationship?" I asked as I stood up to seat on the other sofa in front of them.

"Ne, sajangnim. How did you know?" Chaeyoung asked.

"Sihyuk is really talkative you know?" I laughed a little bit.

"PD-nim told you?" Jimin spoke nervously.

"Yes. He's very happy about it." I smiled.

"Are you not angry about it, sajangnim?" Chaeyoung looked down.

"Of course, I'm not. I'm always on the side that will make you happy." I smiled at them.

"She thought you'll be angry." Jimin said.

Chaeyoung glared at him and Jimin just laughed at her.

"Aigoo. You know me well. I let you all date as long as the one you date can fight for you. You know the fans can get out of control sometimes especially when they are disappointed. Also, dating another idol means you will have to make two fandoms understand how much you love each other. You need a strong relationship for that." I said.

"Seeing how Jimin came here with you. I can tell that he will fight for you and wouldn't let you face problems alone. That's the kind of partner everyone needs. I hope you two won't let the hates break your relationship when the public finds out. That's what happened to most idols. Protect each other all the time." I advised.

"I wouldn't let my fans hurt her, sajangnim." Jimin said politely.

"That's good. I need to go now. I have to check on the trainees." I stood up.

"We'll get going too." Jimin smiled at me and they stood up too.

They entered the elevator with me. I looked at them happily. I know in the future, they would be one of the power couples of the Kpop industry.

Like Sihyuk, I'm very happy for them too. I just hope they can hold on until the end, knowing that there would be many obstacles waiting for them.



I wrote this on YG's point of view. I thought it'll be cuter this way. What do you think?

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