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Hello good people

So before we start off the exciting journey of my worst fears, I'd like to pass this message,

This is the first book I've ever written, so I'll like to hear what you think of this book. Which character do you connect most with and what'd you like changed or improved about the book.
It's also the first draft, so you're bound to find grammatical mistakes so I'm open to positive criticism.
So please guys be a positive asset to my book and we'll be okay.

Any other suggestions you have for me they're welcome.

Nobody should reproduce or copy any part of this book. If you can't write your own creative ideas, just stick with reading till you develop your own art of writing.

Please comment, vote and interact with me as much as possible.. I'll appreciate it a lot.

Love you guys.

MY WORST FEARS (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now