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I went to the bathroom, took a quick shower, then put on my favourite blue and white shorts. I headed to the living room shirtless as I was used to and I wasn't planning to change that anytime soon. I didn't think she would admit to accompany me back to my house but having her here made me feel special.

I always brought girls in my house, nearly everyday. I messed around with them and then left them for new ones. It was a habit that was hard for me to stop.

With Laila it took longer than I expected, but finally I got her now. It's today or never.

If I don't manage to mess with her today then I don't think I would let her come back here. I was not the type of guy who could beg girls for something I wanted, especially since girls always threw themselves on me. Not the other way around.

With the way Laila was staring at me the whole time, I knew she was no different from the other girls. She was yet another girl I would fuck up with, then leave for the next one.

I entered the living room and found her seated in the same spot I left her.

"Wow, I can see my patient is patient enough to follow my instructions," I stated as I moved closer to her. I held her leg and stretched it a little to see if she would feel pain. When she didn't flinch, I knew she was fine now. She could even walk again, unless she wanted to be carried around; which I would gladly do.
"Do you still need help to move around?" As soon as I asked the question, she gave me a frown.

"Why, do you think I'm two?" I smirked at how she always had a sassy comeback to whatever I said.

"Maybe a little thank you would be nice".
She immediately stood up at my words, heading to the kitchen and leaving me kneeling on the floor.

"I don't remember asking for anyone's help. Why would I even bother to say anything?"
Who does she think she is? I've never met such a lady. Taking shit to me but still I enjoy whatever comes from her mouth. Maybe it would be a little hard to make her do whatever I want but what gives me assurance is that she's still a girl, she would still fall for whatever I ask from her. I followed her to the kitchen when I found her seated on the counter, her back facing me.

"If you had the guts to carry me around and bring me to your house, you should at least give me something to eat". She stood and turned so she was facing towards me. "What do you think I've eaten so far? Air?"
This girl isn't what I expected. The one I thought she was from the beginning, the shy timid girl. Every other girl I've ever been with before, they just came in my house, took a few drinks with me then we jumped straight to the main event. I would then drive them home right after. I never allowed them to spend the night, even if they pleaded to. I just couldn't share my house with any girls. It's my house, and my privacy matters a lot. I just picked her up from the restaurant and she's already hungry?

"Calm down there, firecracker. I'll order a pizza". I picked up the phone and ordered a large pepperoni pizza. I want to make sure that Laila has enough to eat.
I then opened the fridge and selected a bottle of beer for myself. I popped off the cap and took a sip, peering over the rim of the bottle. Laila was watching me like a hawk, a bloodthirsty look in her eyes. I hope the pizza guy will be here soon; before this girl starts to feast on me.

"What drink do you take, miss?" I asked, trying to break eye contact. Laila glared at me a bit longer, then finally looked away as walked straight to the fridge herself.

"What are you, a waiter? You might as well be a cook and prepare something for me to eat instead".She chose a bottle of Del Monte Pineapple juice, retrieved a glass from the cupboard, and sat down on the counter.

Oh, so this tough girl doesn't take alcohol. Is this all an act? Huh. But I kind of like it. I've never found a girl like her and on my side, my drinks would not run out fast. Yeah, I know, it's selfish of me, but the crazy girls before are like tankers, never getting drunk when they have already taken almost all of the drinks in my house.

"What?" she asked, seemingly offended when I didn't take my eyes from her.

"So..." I sat on a chair, directly across from her seat on the counter. "Seems like this tough girl is only used to taking baby drinks. Huh, that's new. Baby". I chuckled to myself.

It seemed like my amusement annoyed her, especially because of the expression she gave me as she stood up and rushed back to the fridge and took out a full bottle of beer. Was she going to drink it or hit me with it? Her furious eyes startled me, but there was no way I would be able to do anything with her while she was sober. I had all my plans right and I had to do everything I could to make her get drunk.

She opened the bottle and without breaking eye contact, she downed the contents of the entire bottle. I stared at her as a few drops dribbled down her chin. Without even thinking, she took a second and then a third drink, still staring at me.

"You think I am any kid? It looks like you are the only kid around here. I've already had three drinks while you, you Hellzel, are still on your first. How dare you..." Laila then trailed off, forgetting what she was so mad about. Suddenly a spark lit in her eye. It was different from the normal fire that dominated her whole face. Instead it was a mischievous glint, accompanied by a funny grin on her face.

"I say we play Truth or Dare, right here, right now! Truth or Dare, Truth or Dare...." She then stood up and walked right up to where I sat. She leaned in too closely, her mouth right in front of mine. I could smell the alcohol on her breath as she mumbled, "Take your drink and follow me".
Laila dragged me to the sitting room. We both sat on the L-shaped couch as she sat on one of her leg leaving the other other on the floor. She peered over at me, and just as she opened her mouth to speak, my attention was drawn to her lush, pink lips. She was not a type of lady that always put on make-up and the few times I've seen her she was all natural. No mascara, lip gloss or any unnatural substances. That's what made me attracted to her.

Hold up... Did I just admit that I'm attracted to her?
What came out of her mouth startled me.

"You better give me another drink 'cause we're gonna play truth or dare".
Finally, it's the moment I've been waiting for all day, and now I wouldn't be blamed for what I'll do next.

I mean, it's only a game, right?

MY WORST FEARS (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now