chapter 44

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Laila's POV

I woke up in a room with machines all around me and turned on my right towards the door and saw Hellboy. I smiled that he had come to rescue me. Along with him was Tania and they seemed to argue I just couldn't form what they were talking about because they were whispering to each other. I felt a hand placed on my hand and I turned and didn't realise how tears formed my eyes.
"Grannie..", she said with tears in her eyes as she pulled me into a hug. I blinked my eyes twice not believing my sister was beside me.
" Jackie, is this you?", I hugged her again when the two realised I had already woken up and they walked to me.
"Lay, how do you feel?", he asked strocking my cheeks and I felt warmth all my body. I responded by rubbing my face on his palm and he smiled. I could see concern dripping in his eyes and I smiled feeling cared for.
" Laila, are you okay?", Tania asked stroking my toes and I smiled at her. Jackie cleared her throat and everyone turned to her.
"She's, my sister. Leave I need to talk to her now", she said and Hellboy gave her a glare. She gave him a toothy grin.
" you realise I was the one who brought her here? Then this idiot called you", he said referring to Tania. She jabbed his arm with a scowl.
"Clearly, I didn't ask you to. Some body else could have done the job. Or", Jackie said putting her hand in her pocket.
" How much do you want me to pay you?", his jaw clenched clearly Jackie pissing him off like she always did. I decided to chip in and stop the havoc that was about to happen.
"Thanks Tania for calling my sister. Now that I have her here I feel much better.", her lips curl into a smirk nodding her eyebrows up and down towards Hellboy. She will never stop.
" Jackie, stop pestering the poor guy already. Can't you see he's about to burst " we all dissolved into laughter clearly not favoring Hellboy. He used to make my life a living hell and now that he's met my Sister Jackie, we wouldn't stop making fun of him.
"I don't even know what I'm doing here", he said taking his hand away from my face and walking away from us. It was long since I saw him and I wondered how he was doing.
" Hellboy ", I called and he looked back before turning the door knob. We maintained eye contact as he walked back to me. The back of my head had a plaster which covered the wound. I reached my hand to his and he stretched his strong arm towards me.
" Thank you for saving my life back there. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come", he smiled while he placed a kiss on my forehead. The small gesture caused so many feelings in me. Why did he make people think he was a bad person after all?
"No problem. Just make sure you have enough rest,okay", he said and I constantly nodded my head.
" good girl",
"Wow, see this love birds already forgetting we're here", Jackie said smirking and stroking my other hand. Tania moved to Hellboy and placed her hand on his shoulder and he turned to her.
" you're wrong, they are not dating ", she said and I felt sadness creep in me. It was true we weren't dating, I was just crashing in his house. The way she looked at him, made me feel bad. Like I was the only one entitled to look at him like that. I shook the thought away. He was not mine. Tania was right. And I shouldn't have felt jealous about them. They had been best friend since.
" can I talk to my sister for a while?", I asked and they both nodded. They left the room and I turned to my smirking sister.
"I can see you love him already. I can say, he's better off than the previous one. Cute and...", I shook my head to shut her. She was wrong. Hellboy would never date someone like me.
" no, we're nor dating, Jackie ", she still maintains the grin.
" don't tell me otherwise, I want you to date that guy. But before we even talk about that, tell me where you've been all this time. You can't even come to see me, Grannie? ", she scowled and I sighed deeply. How could I tell her I missed her and make her feel the truth in my words.
" you couldn't even tell me about the letter you were given to give me", I smiled curious to know how she found out. I hoped she accepted to give him a chance.
"How did you...", I asked but she cut me.
" oh, since you decided not to come home. I decided to look for you. I knew you'd go the restaurant so I used to go there everyday I hope to see you. I think the idiot mastered the courage to approach and that's when he asked me of you gave me the letter", I chuckled as I watched her narrate her encounter. I'd have loved if she decided to give him a chance. He was always good to me.
"So...", I asked excited to hear the answer. She frowned pursing her lips.
" nothing Grannie. I can only date that guy if you decided to date this one. That's the only deal", I pouted my lips and she laughed.
"Not fair at all. I can't...", she placed her finger on my lip.
" just tell me why you haven't come back yet. I miss you and I hate yo spend a single day with mum. And you know that",
" but I can't come back Jackie. Mum tolde not to go there. She doesn't want anything to do with me, remember ", she furrowed her eyebrows together.
" what are you tal....", we were interrupted by the nurse who came in carrying a bottle in her hands. She stood beside me and we both turned to her. I could headache from a far. I wanted Jackie to complete whatever she was about to tell me, but clearly we didn't have enough time to talk.

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