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Anger increased monotically looking at the face standing in front of me.  My whole being trembled, my emotions raw with fear and rage as his eyes drilled through mine. My whole being was cramped in the tiny hands of a gigantic mammoth, that kept on smashing me into tiny pieces. Heart wrenching pain stroked through my heart like lightning bolt when I remembered what he called me at the reception.

He called me a nerd. A nerd. How dare he even stand and look at me?
" I see you ecaped to come and report me to this son of a loser. What did he promise to do to me? Make me grovel before you, holding my ears?," He chuckled turning to Vicky.

"What do you want now? Can't you just leave me alone?", Vicky said but the guy continued to chuckle. He was not surprised at all that I had bumped into this guy and he insulted me.

" What? you don't want us to have a small man to man talk? I must tell you if the girl you've chosen to date is good enough for you or not and I must say," he turned to me as if he hadn't seen me before then to Vicky.

"You always have the worst taste in girls. You should ask for my advice sometimes," I watched Vicky's face turn into a frown and gave out an exasperated sigh. Veins popped out from Vicky's forehead. He placed both of his hands on the locker and didn't utter a word as he stumped his feet continuously.

For a moment, I hadn't understood who he was talking about until he pointed at me with his crooked fingers. And when I say crooked, I mean literally crooked. They were point at the wall and not me, but I knew what he meant.

Vicky glanced at me, gave out a deep sigh before turning back to him. For a split seconds, he turned to me giving me an incredulous look.

"But it's evident you found someone that looks like you. You look good together", he smirked again. My blood simmered slowly and I could feel steams radiating through my skin as I contemplated what to do to him.
He pursed his peevish lips as he shook his head. " perfect match",
What the hell.

Yes. Vicky was nice and friendly. He even gave me a packet of mints and offered to buy me lunch. And volunteered to be my tour guide around school. Something that came in handy to me and I was greatful for that.

I placed my hand on Vicky's lap. I don't know why I did that but it felt like the right thing to do. With a sheepish look, he smiled at me then placed his hand on mine.

The beanie guy knitted his brows together, eyes glued at the conjoined hands on Vicky's lap. I watched Vicky clench his fists but remained immobile.

He turned to me and smiled. I felt like I could stand up and give him a slap of his life and shut his dirty mouth up and when he stretched his hand for me to grab I didn't respond. Why would I even be nice to him when he just insulted my friend?

" come on babygal take my hand. It's not all the time you find a handsome guy like me trying to engage with people like you", his deadpan voice cut through my heart like a sharp knife. That was that. I stood up. I wanted to slap him. Who did he think he was to insult me? I could take a lot of crap from girls but not from stupid spoilt boys.

"Handsome? You said you're handsome? Can't deny you're a handsome foot of a dog", the class fell into laughter but they stopped suddenly with one glare from him.

" if you ever looked in the dictionary of life, handsome men are termed as clueless, inexperienced, stupid cocky heads like you and for the record.. ", he gave a bitter chuckle and it gave me the will to continue.

He was getting into my nerves and i didn't like it anymore. Vicky held my hand and gave an encouraging smile.

"And its not all the time you meet with reasonable, educated, forgiving people like us who pity egocentric, narcissistic small boys like you", my voice was clear and audible enough and not only did I manage to give him a what-did-you-say to me look but the whole class stared at me like I had ten heads.

MY WORST FEARS (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now