chapter 54

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Laila's POV

I locked myself up in my room for three days now,  back in my mum's house drinking all the stress down. She's been asking why I wasn't going down to eat but since Lay chased me out of my house, I didn't want to be around anyone, so I decided to go to my mum's. That's not how I wanted her to find out the truth. I always wanted to tell her the truth but I just couldn't master the courage to face her. It  took everything in me not to kiss her so hard when she was prefosing her feelings towards me. I wished she knew how I felt about her. I wished she wasn't my sister. Why did she have to be? It couldn't be. It just couldn't be. I couldn't accept it. I didn't want it to end like that with her.
Since the first day I saw her in school, the way she talked to me, she appeared to be strong and independent woman. I never found a girl who dared to challenge me. She did and that's when I decided I had to pursue her.
After finding out she was dating, I could I everything to get her. I didn't care about her ass boyfriend. He had the guts to show me her nude video when we placed a bet that I'd get the girl. He made me swear I'd post it in the internet once I lost. Damn it. Why did I do it?
I knew my mum wouldn't pester me about sharing the shit I was going through but I knew somehow, she'd need an explanation. I was just waiting for the right time to tell her. Tania hadn't dared to call me since I warned her about calling me again. Bitch, she had the guts to tell me Lay wasn't good enough for me. It was the same shit she told me about Rymana, although I never even wanted her.
Tania never found any girl good enough for me and since I trusted her enough to do the dirty shit for me, I listened to her.
So I decided to go downstairs and finally face my mum and tell her the truth. She was in the kitchen when I went down. She was busy washing utensils when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I looked at the screen and it private number. I wanted to ignore it but I decided otherwise.
"And who the fuck is this?", I said sounding abit harsh on the phone.
" hey you're Hellzel, right? ", she spoke slow and forced. Like she hadn't eaten for days. I didn't have time to listen to crap. I decided to hang up but she spoke again.
" we only met once in the hospital yesterday when Lay was admitted. I'm Lay's sister, Jackie." She coughed and aje sounded like she was crying.
"I'm in the general hospital room 204,the doctor told me I don't have much time, so, can you bring Lay down here please?", what did she mean by much time? But with the wat she talked, I felt like she really needed me to do exactly that.
I left the house immediately and rushed to my house. In about 20 minutes I was at my door knocking finally having a reason to see Lay. She sweared the next time I showed up, she'd stab me with a knife. I wasn't ready to die yet.
I knocked on the door twice but I didn't hear anyone. I knocked again. Still nothing. I decided to tear the door down as I was worried something could have happened to her but then she spoke.
" I told you not to come back", she shouted I could tell she was still crying.
"Lay, please I have a message for you. You have to open the door, please", I shouted against the door but still nothing.
" just leave I'll text you when I leave. I'm just not ready to see your face", she said.
It took me about two minutes to figure out what to tell her.
"Lay, your sister Jackie called me. She told me she's in the hospital and she needs to sew you immediately. Please open the door", there was no answer. My phone vibrated again, the same number.
" hey, I'm trying to get her to come", I said
"You have to hurry. Please Hellzel, I don't have so much time. Come", she was running out of breath this time. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to leave and find out what she wanted to say.
I stepped on that car not wanting to waste any second. I didn't want to know if there were traffic police, they'd have to follow me to the hospital.
In the next ten minute I was in the hospital searching for room 205. O found it and knocked, entering inside and found almost a dead body wired in her body. The machines were still on and I didn't know what Wa going on.
The last time I had seen her, she seemed healthy and now she's in hospital bed?
" where is Lay?", was the first thing she said.I sighed standing next to her in bed.
"She refused to see you?That's what she always does, hiding herself away when trouble come looking for her", she chuckled straining to sit up but I stopped her. She seemed like she didn't have energy to speak but she still forced herself.
" what happened? ", I asked as if I had known her for so many years.
" couldn't contain the news that you broke my sister's heart and then you lied to her that you're related, damn you. Is it because if the way she looks, that's why you pulled that excuse from your ass?", I sighed again not knowing what to say.
"I knew you wouldn't be able to bring her down here but I still dared you to. Sit down coz I'm about to tell you the whole truth about her and make you a deal", she was supposed to be a dying girl. Why was she still talking? And what deal was she talking about?

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