chapter 55

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Laila's POV

I sat on the couch draining the remaining fluid I had in me. I didn't know what direction I'd take after all the drama I had experienced in the past three days. It was too much to stomach and although I felt guilty for chasing him from his place, I felt like it wasn't enough punishment for what he did to me. How could he bet with one man I hated the whole world. The one who made sure I ate and drunk my own tears.
But then I still misses him. I wanted to see him again, argue and just see him around the house. The house felt empty. I felt empty inside. I wanted him but not as the brother her wanted me to believe he was. He could never be my brother. Never.
I wondered whether I should leave his house and go back home, ask my mum to forgive me and embrace the life she wanted for me. Maybe Don had stopped giving her all the cheques the he did and maybe she missed the money. But is till had another chance. To meet my new family and see if my life could change. To see if I could start seeing Hellboy as a brother. Hell no.
I was still thinking when i heard a crash on the door. It was him. I heard his voice and I jumped. My heart raced a thousands miles and back. I yearned to sew him. Hug him. I could do all that if I opened the door.
I told you not to come back", I shouted and I didn't realise I was still crying, my voice break.
"Lay, please I have a message for you. You have to open the door, please", je shouted against the door begging. I just wasn't ready to see him. Whether as my brother or somebody else.
" just leave I'll text you when I leave. I'm just not ready to see your face", i said trying to convince myself that I was really going to leave his house.
He was quite for like two minutes, trying to come up with another lie and then he spoke again
"Lay, your sister Jackie called me. She told me she's in the hospital and she needs to see you immediately. Please open the door",asshole, was that the best lie he could come up with? I'm sure he had found out how close I was to my sister and he had the guts to lie to me about my sister being at the hospital?
I heard him talking but couldn't figure who he was talking to. Then I heard steps walking away from the door. That idiot. Who did he think he was?
I knew she was sick because even the last meeting at the restaurant, she didn't seem so good but I knew she wouldn't be at the hospital. Sometimes she did have the attacks but I knew she was fine. She wouldn't be at the hospital.
He was playing with me. Just like Don did. My phone vibrated at the table. A text popped up on the screen and I reached for it. I slide the screen open. It was new number. I opened the text and my mouth fell open. I quickly stood up grabbing my handbag and headed out.
God I hoped she was fine. Please let her be okay.

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