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A/N: Hello guys. Am sorry for the late updates. I've been busy the whole of this week. I hope you bare with me.

This is my favourite chapter. I had mixed feelings while writing, but it came out just fine.. I love you..

Dedicated to: @AReaderHasNoName

Thank you so much for your unfailing support.

Thank you so much for your unfailing support

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This is a new book am working on. Please don't forget to check it out.. Thank you.

          LAILA'S POV

I was in my room immediately after I was done with my shower. Both my sister and I had agreed on staying indoors and enjoying the only remaining time she had left at home before she had to go back to school.

I heard someone open the door and I hurriedly picked up my towel to cover my naked body. I glanced at the door, and once I saw who it was, my heartbeat skyrocketed. Who gave him the permission to infiltrate my room like some kind of public toilet?

With a look of pure nonchalance, Don shamelessly swaggered over, stopping only an inch away from my shoulder. Standing at ease, he casually tucked his hands into his jean pockets, “accidentally” brushing my waist in the process.

"I don't know what it is you’re waiting for up until now. I already gave your mum enough cash to take you to the hospital. What is it with you?!"

I tried to contain my anger at Don’s words, hoping I wouldn't say anything that would get me into trouble.

"How do you ever stand to look at yourself in the mirror? Don't you hate what you see every time you look at your reflection? I'm giving you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, for you to look the best you'll ever be. To give me something to touch and feel like a man."

How could guy, who claimed to love me, say that to my face? A lump stuck in my throat while tears escaped from my eyes. I was breaking. I couldn’t take it anymore.

This man, standing in front of me, looking right into my eyes, held a kind of power over me that I couldn't stand against. He always knew what to say to make me feel insufficient and inferior to everyone.
There was only one choice left.

I had to go through with the surgery.

He was always so near yet so far. I always wanted to leave him, but I always found myself drawn back to Don, like he’s a magnet. The emotional pull I felt to him was both unbearable and addicting, all at once.

"You don't have anything to intrigue me with. Girls all around the world are searching for a man like me, who can give them perfection. Many of them look just like Kim Kardashian. She is the most beautiful woman you'll ever see on the face of the earth. Her perfectly sculpted body, the clear, almost translucent skin... Why can’t you look more like her?” Don continued speaking, his voice rising in volume. He was speaking faster now, shooting out words like knives piercing my soul.

He was a camouflaged soldier and I was an open target, defenseless against his relentless stream of bullets. It took all of my strength just to remain standing. 

"You should be just like Rymana. She's so perfect. Be the girl I want you to be, Laila. Give me the chance to love you, to mold you and become the spot that attracts every man that passes by,” he continued.

"But..." I began, but he quickly pushed me up against my closet door. His forearm was pressed against my neck, and I couldn’t breath. Gasping, I begged him to let go, pleading with my eyes, but Don continued to choke me.

"You will do what I tell you because you have no other choice. I am your boss, no matter what. You will respect me, listen to me, and obey my every command. Got it?”

I didn’t want to agree. Don was destroying my life, belittling me whenever he got the chance. I felt less significant than a tiny speck, lost amongst the bustle of the wide world. My life deteriorated a little more for every moment a spent in Don’s presence. If I continue sacrificing my life for him, then soon I wouldn't have anything left.

Don’s arm pressed harder against my throat, and black spots filled my vision. Light-headed and fearing for my life, I tried my best to speak but my voice was an inaudible croak. Giving up on talking, I nodded my head frantically, signaling to Don that I would do anything for him as long as he let me live.

Finally, after what seemed to be hours, Don released me from his grip. Gasping, my knees gave out and I fell to the ground.

“Now, change into something better. We have to go to my house in ten minutes.”

Don glanced over at me one last time before turning around. He began to saunter towards my door casually, as if nothing had happened at all. I tried to calm myself, but the more I held back my anger, the more I was compelled to talk back.

"Who do you think you are? God? Dad? My husband? Do you… "

I trailed off in a squeak as I peered over at Don. He turned towards me and all the words escaped through the window. He walked towards me, and did almost what I had anticipated for.

Raising a hand, Don slapped me across the face.


I fell to the ground, cupping my stinging cheek.

"I am anything I want to be. Don't you dare talk back to me ever, or else... "

Don warned me, his chest rising up and down in time to his beating heart.

"You have one minute to change and meet me downstairs. Don't make me come for you.”

He punctuated his words by slamming my door, leaving me crying on the floor.

How did I even get myself into this situation? How could I ever allow a man to treat me like a piece of shit, walking all over me, while my mum was watching everything?

How can I save myself now?

I decided otherwise. I couldn't let him sway me anymore. I needed to take charge of my life again. Even if it meant disobeying my mum. I was drowning and she wasn't ready to save me. After texting Tania to meet me at a restaurant open 24/7, I put on my jacket and snuck out through the window, heading towards the bus station.

I knew the consequences of this decision I had made, but there was no turning back. It was the only option left where I would survive. I had to save myself from the pain. From Don’s bitterness. From my mum’s betrayal.

But most of all, I had to save myself from me.

I need to figure everything out. Everything was swimming inside my head, a million thoughts and ideas traveling at light speed. Whenever I tried to grasp onto one thought, it slipped away, sliding off of my finger tips. I was stuck in my head, trapped in a body that I hated. I wanted out, but I seem to have lost the key.

Was i doomed to an eternity of worshipping Don and groveling at any mum’s feet? Is this what my life had become?

I scurried to the bus station, smiling, crying...

I just didn't know what I was supposed to feel anymore.

A/N: Put a smile on my face by voting and leaving your comments.. I love you all

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