Beauty In The Sun Rise

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Today was Tuesday. Again I stuck with a grey tee, light shorts, my grey TOMS, and put on the set of bracelets mom got me for my birthday last year. I ran out the door with a piece of toast in my mouth.


“Hey Lucy.” I said stepping on to her bus.


“Morning Ro.” She said back. I sat in my usual spot and as I did every day had my ear phones in.


                I got to school and made my way to my special spot. I was taking the third corner when I felt someone behind me. I turned around and punched the person in the chest.


“Oh my god! I’m so sorry!” I said kneeling down next to Alexei.


                He groaned in pain as he lay there on the concrete.


“I. Am. So Sorry.” I said slowly as I helped him sit up.


“Its fine,” He began groaning again. “I shouldn’t have followed you here without telling you.”


                I grabbed his hands and stood him up in his feet.


“Did it really hurt that bad?” I asked him as we walked into the building.


“Just a bit. I’ll be fine though.” He said trying to reassure me.


                As we entered the main hall I looked at him looking at me.


“What?” I said once again.


“You don’t hit bad for being a girl.” He said with a smile.


“Is that a compliment?” I asked returning the smile.


He nodded. “Yeah, it’s a compliment.”




                I got to sleep pretty early that night. School had kicked me in the ass. Before I left campus, Alexei ran up to me and we exchanged numbers. I looked at my phone one more time before rolling over and closing my eyes.


We were the kings and queens of promise, we were the victims of ourselves, maybe the children of a lesser God, Between Heaven and Hell, Heaven and Hell.


                I jumped at the sound of my phone’s ring tone going off. I looked and rolled my eyes. What does he want now?


“What Alexei.” I said sleepily.


“Did I wake you?” He asked concerned.


                I looked at the clock and saw it was three in the morning.


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