❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️

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Calum: It was just a drunken night at a party but somehow with all the events going on around the two of you, Calum and yourself made your way through a journey to his room and ended up sleeping together in his bed. When you woke up the next morning, you were laying on his bare chest. He was still out cold, and as you lifted your head up slowly, you groaned. "Shit!" you rolled off of Calum and onto the bed next to him, bouncing a little, making Calum wake up himself. "What's going on?" "Calum, we're both naked." you state and he pulls up the blanket, glances down, lets the blankets fall back down and covered his face with his hands. "Shit, did we at least use a condom?" "Calum, no, i just looked around and didn't see anything." He sat up and you did the same. "Please tell me you're at least on the pill or something?" "Haven't been on the pill for a few months, Cal, you know that." "You need to take a test then, because if you are, we need to know as soon as possible." You nod. "We're going to have to wait a while, like a week or two before i can take the test and get the result." Calum nodded. "Then we wait then."

Luke: "What are we going to do about this, Luke? People are going to think we're together!" Luke laid back on his bed and didn't have any words to say, a million thoughts racing through his mind, none of them making sense of the situation at hand. "Luke?" you yell and he snaps out of his mind boggle and sits up. "I really don't know, (YN), how did this even happen in the first place?" "You know how it happened you bloody idiot!" you snap and he cocks his left eye at your vocabulary. "So you're British now?" "Shut up." "Look i don't know how or what we're supposed to do now, but i can only assume we have to tell people." "And they're going to think we're together, Luke, we're best friends!" "And we're having a baby together, (YN)! So forgive me but our relationship is already a little, no it is hugely complicated at the moment and we can't deny the truth that you're having my baby. Just because we're upset about it, doesn't mean we need to let the baby be upset." You nodded and sat on his bed. "What are we going to do?"

Ashton: You took five different pregnancy tests and the results all said the same exact thing. You were pregnant, with your best friend's baby. "And he doesn't even remember sleeping with me." you mumbled and Ashton's mom gave you a sad smile. "Look, i'm glad you came to me for this, i really am, you need to tell him, (YN)!" "He'll hate me and be upset with me and he won't want to be apart of the baby's life at all and i'm afraid i'm going to lose my best friend out of this. I don't want to lose my best friend!" you cried and she let you into one of her famous hugs and began to pat your back. "You will not lose your best friend i can tell you that, Ashton loves you enough that he doesn't want to live without you. And he will be there for you and the baby, i'll be sure of that, we just need to sit down with him and the three of us will discuss this, okay?" You wiped away a tear. "Will you help me through it though? My parents won't even talk to me." Anne Marie nodded. "You can count on me, (YN), for you and the baby!" "What baby?" you and Anne Marie turned to see Ashton in the doorway. "(YN)? What baby is she talking about?"

Michael: "We're idiots, Michael, we're idiots!" "You really think you're pregnant?" "Yes, Michael! I've taken like nearly a dozen tests, went to the doctor and they all told me the same thing, i'm pregnant and all because you got horny at a party and told me nothing bad would come out of sleeping with you. You were wrong by the way if you didn't notice." "I noticed your attitude change." he grumbled and you stomped your foot. "Only because someone forgot to wrap his dick properly!" "You can't deny it wasn't fun." "Michael, i can't even think right now. I'm scared, i'm pregnant with your baby and we're only friends, what the hell were we thinking?" "Well i know i was thinking i was sleeping with a very beautiful girl with who i wish would be my for real girlfriend and not just my best friend, but we'll clear your head soon enough." "You want me to get rid of the baby." "What do you want?" "Answer my question Michael?" "Answer mine first." "I want the baby." you said softly and Michael nodded. "Fine, then we have a baby. He's gonna be one hell of a good looking kid." "What if it's a girl?" "She'll be the most gorgeous baby girl!"

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