❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 6 ❤️

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Calum: "Um, what would your mom and sister think?" Calum chuckled as he let his head fall and rest in the curve of your neck. "They love you already, have since we were little, you know that. And i know they'll both be happy that we're doing this for the baby." You smiled as you let your hand rest on your belly. "Soon, i'm gonna look like a bloated whale, Calum and it's all going to be your fault, you know that right?" "Yeah," he began putting his hands on top of yours. "But you're going to look even more beautiful. I'll be there to help you as much as i can." That's when a thought hit you hard. "Calum, what are we going to do when you're on tour?" "Come with me." You sat up and turned in his arms. "Calum, what if i'm too far pregnant to go on tour with you or what if you can't make it back on time for the baby when it's born? I don't want to do this alone." He put his hands on your shoulders. "(YN), i promise you. That's my baby in there, there's no way you're going to do this alone. I will leave tour in a heartbeat to be with you and the baby, don't think otherwise."

Luke: The both of you sat at the kitchen table with his family. You had just finished putting the rest of your belongings in Luke's room and his brothers kept giving you both sneers and you were getting tired of it and you could tell it was getting to Luke as well, so Liz tried to defuse the building tension in the room. "So, (YN), Luke. Even though you don't know the sex of the baby yet, you have any ideas as for possible names?" You smiled at that. "Yeah, actually we do. They're still up for debate obviously but right now we're really liking Kellan for a boy and Millie for a girl, but they're both up for debate because neither are giving me the feeling like that's what i want to name my child." you explained and Luke gave you a smile along with Liz. "Well those are both cute names, (YN), i can't wait to hear what you guys decide on in the end." "Why can't you guys just not have the baby and go back to the way things were?" his brother blurted and all eyes landed on him and Luke stood up, fuming with anger. "Why can't you just move out and things will be better off then they were? You don't talk to the mother of my baby like that. Ever!" he then stormed from the room, not looking back.

Ashton: You woke to the sound of thuds around you and when you got out of bed to see what the disruption was, you saw Ashton and the boys with a bunch of boxes and bags around the floor. "We got it all, (YN)." Calum smiled at you and you smiled back. "Thank you guys, i can't thank you enough." "You don't need to." Michael responded and Ashton grinned. "We also stopped at the store real quick to grab a few extra things." "Such as?" you ask, crossing your arms, resting on the door frame. "This." he reached down into one of the bags and grabbed something you couldn't quite see and then held it up to you and you wanted to cry on the spot, so you did. "Oh, Ash." "Hormones are a bitch." Calum whispered to Luke and you shot him a glare before wiping a tear away and taking the huge teddy bear from Ashton's arm. "Is this for the baby?" He nodded. "For the baby, for you, for the both of you. You like it?" "It's the first thing we have for the baby, Ashton, of course i love it."

Michael: "Do you have any idea what you're going to do yet, (YN)?" Your sister, Kayla asked you and you sighed as you sat in her house as she was letting you stay for a while. "No." "Well, who do you like more, Calum or Ashton?" "Kayla, it's not between Calum and Ashton, it's between Luke and Michael and don't put me in the middle and ask who i like more. Luke had forever to tell me how he felt, but Michael..." "Got you pregnant? (YN), you have to really think here. Do you want to be with the guy who likes you or got you pregnant?" "How do you know they both don't like me, i know for a fact they both do." "Well do you want to be with your baby daddy or your baby daddy's best friend?" "Kayla, i'm not in the mood for this." you snap and exit the kitchen and ready to go for a walk. You had just opened the door and ran right into Luke. "We need to talk." "Do we have to?" "Yes, i'll walk with you. Let's go."

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