❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 4❤️

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Calum: "Thanks for driving us Mali." Calum says from the passenger seat and Mali nods, you just look outside on the rainy day, letting their talk fill the air. When you arrived at the doctors, Mali parked the car and told you that she'd wait outside. Side by side, you and Calum walked in, signed all the paperwork and waited for your names to be called. "(YN) (YLN)." "That's us." you whisper and walk with Calum at your heels. "In here." the nurse instructs and the two of you walk in and you sit down on the padded seat and lift up your shirt. "First pregnancy." "Yup." "Planned?" "Nope." "Okay then." she says and starts the ultrasound and you hold onto Cal's hand as the cold gel is applied to your belly and you turn your focus onto the screen to your right. "That little thing there? That's your baby." she said with a smile and both you and Calum smiled the widest you ever had before. "That's our baby, Calum." Calum nodded, leaned his head down and kissed your hand. "That's our baby."

Luke: "First appointment for baby." you mumbled as you drove and Luke nodded from the passenger seat. "Yeah, are you excited, nervous or scared?" "A combination of the three." you answer and he chuckles. "That's not your normal." "I'm not feeling my normal." The rest of the drive to the doctors was silent and once you got there you were immediately put into a room being told the doctor would be in when they could. "Do you know how far along you are?" a doctor asked, breaking yours and Luke's dazes and you shook your head. "I'm guessing around five weeks or so, maybe a little more." you looked at Luke as he did the math in his head. "About seven weeks, (YN)." You nod. "I'm sorry, i can't remember times right now." the doctor nodded. "No worries, now, are you guys ready to see if we can see the baby or not?" "Sure." Luke replied while you stayed silent, lifting your shirt for the ultrasound. "Sure, why not, let's see our baby."

Ashton: "So, what do you think, (YN)?" you had just listened to Ashton's proposal as to how you two were going to raise your baby together. "So, let me just recount this all, okay?" he nodded and you went on with what you were going to say. "For one, you want us to date. Two, you want me to move in with you. Three, you want to name the baby if it's a boy, me to name the baby if it's a girl. Four, when the baby is old enough they must learn how to play an instrument of some sort?" Ashton bobbed his head along with each of the things you ticked off on your fingers and smiled when you got to the end. "Yeah, that's pretty much it, so what do you think?" "What does your mom think, Ash? This is her house, we should ask her for her opinion instead of doing something she may oppose." "She won't oppose it, i asked her while you were sleeping." "And she said yes?" "Yeah, she even made you your first appointment for the baby." "When's the appointment." "Tomorrow at seven in the morning." "Excuse me? Seven in the morning?" "Yeah, i told her you weren't going to be happy about that part."

Michael: Without even answering you Michael walked past you and to his bedroom and you stared at Ashton and Calum. "Okay, explain." "You've just been inserted into a hormonal teenage romance movie." Calum spoke, as he rocked back and forth, his arms around his legs. "What?" Ashton stood up. "Well, it seems that you and Luke both have a crush on each other. Luke got pissed that Michael got you pregnant before he even had a chance to ask you out. Um, Michael likes you more than a friend, he's sorry and hates that you three are now in this awkward situation and Luke walked out and told Michael to piss off and said that he doesn't want to talk to you or Michael again. I get it all?" he asked Calum and Calum nodded, staring at you with worry. "(YN), you alright? Sit down." he quickly stood up and helped you sit down on the couch slowly. "What the hell just happened to my life? I knew it was already complicated throwing a baby into this, but, now i have Luke and Michael drama? How did i go from having no drama, to this? I've got a sitcom for my life now!" Ashton sighed. "Yeah, can you still drive? Luke took our car."

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