❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 12❤️

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Calum: "Ok Calum, we really have to buckle down and name the babies, no exceptions okay?" you say sternly and take away his laptop from his lap and putting it behind you. With you taking away his technology Calum folded his hands in his lap and nodded. "Okay, you have any ideas?" Opening up a notebook you had full of names that fans suggested you flipped to a page you dog eared earlier. "For a boy, Logan James and for a girl, Lilianna Claire." Calum considered it for a moment before he sighed. "I like Logan James, but i'm not sold on the girls name." You flipped to another page. "Fine, one name down, one to go. How about, Chloe Louise?" His eyes brightened once you said that and a huge smile etched across both of your faces. "Calum, do we have names for our babies?" He slid off the couch and lifted your shirt, placing tiny kisses all over. "Yes, (YN), we have officially named our babies."

Luke: Being the creative person you were, when you got permission to use Jack's old room as a nursery until you and Luke got your own place, you took to painting the walls. Right now you were perched on Luke's steady shoulders, painting your daughter's name on the wall in lavender on top of a white and pink striped base wall. "Vivienne Leighanne Hemmings." he said in a whisper just as you finished painting 'Vivienne Leighanne' on the wall and he set you down gently. "Your belly was pushing against my head, i think i've got a kink in it now." "Sorry." you blush but Luke shakes his head. "Don't worry about it, you did a good job. Vivienne will love it, hopefully, and i pray to god we don't go through all of this and have a boy, not that i don't want a boy, but after all the work you just put into this room." You giggle. "Luke, even if she turned out to be a boy, i'd still have fun and a reason to paint again."

Ashton: "I don't see how you guys can just ignore her, she's your daughter for crying out loud!" Ashton screamed at your parents, making an unannounced visit to your home. Your sister was on your side, defending you and helping Ashton whenever she could. Your parents were just not having it. "We don't need a bastard in the family, that's all that thing is that's in her stomach." Ashton clenched his fists and your sister pushed him away from your dad. "Our son is not a bastard, our son is your grandson whether you like it or not and with being such supposed loving parents, you think you'd want to be a part of your grandson's life. You know, maybe (YN) was right, maybe he will be better off without you guys in his life." he then turned to your sister. "Except you, you can come over and visit whenever, i know (YN) misses you." "I miss her. " "Want to come back with me and visit?" "Can I?" "Your 18, i don't see why not, come on, you don't deserve to live in this hell hole either."

Michael: You were finally home after your two week stint in the hospital and now Michael was going away on tour. All of the guys were over and you needed their help in order to move around. "You have fun, okay?" you say quietly, hugging a pillow on the couch and Michael sadly stared at you. "I don't think i'll be able too, what if you have to be put in the hospital again? You've still got a couple months to go and i'm scared something's going to happen to you and Gianna." You smiled when Michael said your daughter's name. "Michael, Gianna and I will be fine. Mali said she'd stay with me until you guys got back from tour, thank you Calum for having an amazing sister, i don't know what i'd do without her." Calum nodded. "Don't thank me, thank her when she gets here. When is that by the way." You were about to answer when there was a knock at your door. "Right now. Mali comes and Michael goes, the sadness in me blows and i'm at a new all time low." you said quietly, hoping like hell Michael didn't hear you."

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