❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 2❤️

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Calum: It had been three weeks since you and Calum woke up after your night together and you grabbed a few tests from the store and took them at your home. When you finished with each test, you set them on the counter top and waited for the alarm on your phone to go off. "Come on." you whispered to the tests and your phone, wishing that things would just go a little faster and you could know your fate sooner. 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' Standing up from the toilet you saw the tests and fell to the floor, clutching your knees and falling to the side. "(YN)?" Calum's voice carried through the house and you stayed where you were. Not bothering to movie, you just continued to let the tears fall. "(YN)?" He appeared at the doorway and saw you hugging your knees. "You're pregnant aren't you?"

Luke: "You guys wanted to talk to me?" Liz asked and you both nodded, sitting on opposite ends of the couch. "Well i assume it's not to tell me that you guys are together is it? That can only leave one thing that you guys want me to know." "Mom." Luke began sitting up and giving you a sad smile. "We made a mistake and now we have to deal with the consequences." "You're pregnant with Luke's baby aren't you, (YN)?" she asked, disappointment evenly laced with her calm voice. "Yes." "Luke, you're going to be there, correct? Help raise the baby?" "You'd kill me if i wasn't." "You're right about that." she laughed and put her fingers to her temples. "Well, i really don't know what else i have to say or do here. You guys are going to have to figure out a lot of things really quickly, such as, custody arrangements, what about when Luke goes on tour." "Can we have time to adjust to just being pregnant?" Luke asked and Liz shook her head. "You've had time to adjust, now you've got to plan."

Ashton: "Uhh, she's talking about our baby, Ashton." "Our what?" he asked, shock coming to him and with the help of his mom the two of you helped Ashton sit in a chair before he fell and hurt himself. "Baby, Ashton, you've got a baby on the way with, (YN)!" "How?" "We slept together at Michael's party last month." "Were we drunk?" "Yes, both of us, but one thing lead to another and now i'm pregnant with your baby and i just, i'm sorry Ashton, i really don't want to lose you. You're still my best friend, or a least i hope you are!" Ashton took a few deep breaths, regaining his normal heartbeat as he nodded. "Still best friends, don't you worry about that. Nothing will change that, i just, well i hoped that this would be in the future." "What would be in the future?" you shared a glance with Anne Marie who only shrugged her shoulders in response. "You, me, and a baby. I've always wanted to have a family with you, i've just been too nervous to ask you to be more then that, and now i've probably ruined it further, i'm sorry."

Michael: "Hey guys! Thanks for coming!" you say and the three boys just shake their heads at you. "Anyone else getting a weird vibe from this?" Calum called and both Luke and Ashton nodded. "Yes." "Shut up and to the living room." you instruct and they followed your orders and once there you sat next to Michael and the three boys sat in front of you like three children waiting for story time at school. "What's going on, you two look like ghosts!" "Feel like it, and..." you were about to finish before you jumped up and ran for the bathroom, leaving Michael and the boys to stare after you. "She okay?" "She's pregnant." Michael announced and the boys just stared in shock. "Who's the dad." He stood up and put his hands in his pockets. "I am."

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