❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 10❤️

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Calum: "Twins you guys? Twins?" Luke asked and both you and Calum nodded. "Yeah, we're having twins, Luke. Nothing we can do about it." "Wasn't saying anything bad about it, (YN), just shocked. Calum, how are you holding up?" "I think more shocked then you." Ashton laughed. "Any names yet?" Calum smiled at you. "(YN) already had a list of names before we exited the room after finding out that we're having twins." "Care to tell us what you came up with?" "Nothing set in stone yet," you begin, "but we're thinking Braden and Lilly." Luke shook his head. "Your faces say you're thinking of not naming your kids that." Calum shook his head. "Okay, you're right, we just have no idea and everyone expects us to have a name for the babies now." Luke sighed. "You guys have a few months before the babies arrive, take your time naming them, they're the ones who have to live with the names their whole lives."

Luke: "Well now that you guys are having a little girl are you gonna tell us what you plan on naming her?" Liz asked when she walked home and saw you and Luke on the floor, watching a movie together. "We've talked about a few names, mom but nothing has really stuck yet." Liz sat behind you guys on the couch and paused your movie. "What names have you come up with?" With the interruption of your movie, you and Luke sat up and turned to face Liz and have a proper talk with her. "Kaylee, Tara and Ivory. That's all we've got so far and we're not entirely sold on those, but we've still got forever to decide so, yeah." Luke spoke and Liz wiped a tear from her eye. "Mom, what's wrong?" "Hearing you talk about naming your daughter, made me realize my baby boy is growing up big time."

Ashton: The five of you sat around the table playing scrabble and Lauren and Harry kept spitting out names for your baby boy and would also purposely put down their suggestions down for scrabble words. So far you've seen, Mark, Liam, Keagon, Nathan and Zeke. "You guys done, i think you've said every name possible." Ashton groaned and they both shook their heads before looking at their mom who nodded. "Give it a break you guys, it's their baby, not yours, they can name the baby whatever they want and they might not have heard a name they like yet, stop pressuring them to name the baby with one of your suggestions. (YN)?" she asked and you snapped your head up. "Yeah?" "You spaced out for a minute, you okay?" "I think i've come up with a name for the baby." "What's that?" Ashton asked, putting his hand on yours and you grinned. "I've got his full name thought out, i really like it." "Well, tell us then." "Blane Michael Jacob Irwin."

Michael: "She's my little princess, she's got to have a princess name." he tried and you shook your head, covering your eyes with your arm as you laid back on the bed. "For the last time Michael, we're not naming her Cinderella, Snow White, Ariel, Aurora!" He sighed. "Fine, what about naming her after that new Disney princess movie you like." You removed your arm from your face. "That brings us to having Elsa and Anna as the name choices for the baby and i already know too many Anna's and Elsa's a strange name." "I kind of like it." he said thoughtfully and you saw it in his eyes how much he truly liked that name. "You're hell bent on naming her after a princess in some sort of way aren't you?" Michael smirked. "That obvious?" "Just a little." He laid down next to you. "Will you at least consider it, please?" You stroked his cheek with your pinky finger. "Let me sleep on it and i'll let you know my decision later, okay?" "'Kay."

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