❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 5 ❤️

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Calum: "So, now we've seen our baby, Calum. What are we going to do now?" "Well, we should first discuss where the baby's going to be living, where you're going to be living for that matter." "What do you mean where i'm living, Cal? I'm going to be living at home." "Who's home? Yours? Mine? Ours?" You sat up abruptly and glared at him. "Our home?" "Yeah." "Calum, we're best friends who mistakenly got pregnant, and now.. i don't know what we are anymore. Do you want to be more?" "Well, we've already gotten pregnant, what really can be the harm in trying a relationship? We've known each other since birth, (YN), how awkward can it be?" "Apparently from the past few days with us, Cal, very awkward. I don't want us to get into a relationship and have it fizzle out and us hate each other and the baby not know if they should choose mommy's side or daddy's side, i don't want to put the baby in the middle of a war." Calum nodded and brought you into his arms and kissed your forehead. "There's no harm in trying. If anything the baby's going to need a mommy and daddy who love each other, and i already love you, so, i don't see a problem here with us trying to be more than friends. What do you say?" "Um..."

Luke: "You're going to be living with me, (YN)." "What about beds?" you ask and he smirked as he adjusted the comforters on his bed. "We share. And the baby's crib can be over there, right close to us so we can jump up and sprint over within a second of the baby crying." you saw the excitement in his features and giggled. Luke sat on the bed. "I amuse you?" "Very much." you answer, steadily walking over to him and sitting on his lap, his hands on your lower back keeping you steady. "I think you've done more to plan for this baby then i have Luke, and i'm the one carrying it. You're going to be a good daddy, a very good daddy." Luke chuckled as he pulled a picture from your ultrasound out of your back pocket, holding it in front of your faces before putting you onto the bed next to him and walking over to where the crib was going to be, placing the picture on the floor. "I'm gonna try to be anyways."

Ashton: Groggily you and Ashton walked back into the house where Anne Marie waited and gave you both a look of intense wanting to know what's going on "So?" "So, (YN) and the baby are both doing well. The baby is a size of a pea i think they said and everything's looking good. They gave her medicine to take, arranged for her to attend some classes and then they told her she can't have any caffeine for the remainder of the pregnancy." You glared around you. "How do they expect me to go the next eight months without my soda?" "It's not going to be easy." Anne Marie said and you groaned. "It's going to suck. Anyways, um, do you guys mind if we go back to my parent's place to grab my things? They're out of town and my sister was nice enough to pack my stuff and have it ready for me." Ashton kissed your hand. "Me and the boys will go, we'll be back soon, (YN). You go and rest, i want my girl and baby to be as rested as possible."

Michael: You fell on your side and started to cry. "What am i going to do?" Calum and Ashton stared at each other awkwardly, hoping like hell that Michael would come out of wherever he went and help you calm down like he always did. "Um, let me get Michael." Calum said and ran down the hall, not able to take the awkwardness out of the air. Ashton sat next to you and sat you up. "Okay i know stress isn't good for pregnancies and you're crying which means stress, so um, can you look at me for a second." you did as he requested and he smiled at you and his smile made you smile and he laughed. "There we go. Smiles, no frowns, okay?" You nod as Michael reentered the room with Calum next to him. "(YN), we need to talk." You nod as Calum and Ash walked outside. "Luke hates me. You hate me. I'm not in a stupid teen romance movie, Michael. This is real life. I'm not in a triangular relationship. Luke had his chance and he let it slip away." "What does that mean about me?" "I don't think i can be with you either." "Why?" you sighed. "You and Luke already hated each other once, i don't want you guys to hate each other again." "I think it's a little too late for that, (YN). I got you pregnant, he didn't. You're having my baby, not his. He's never going to be happy with me again, i'm not going to make you choose, i just wanted you to know that." He walked out towards Calum and Ashton and you shook your head. "That's exactly what you're making me do, Mikey."

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