❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 17❤️

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Calum: "Do we wait or have them now, Cal?" "Well we can wait and go as far as you can go, but do you really want to go through the loss of sleep and most likely pain that's expected to come with the next few weeks?" He had a good point. "So, we have the babies now?" "It's up to you." Calum wiped the stray tear that had somehow slipped out of your eye as you took a deep breath. "Call our families please, Cal, our babies are going to be born sooner then we thought." "Are you entirely certain about this, (YN)?" "He said the babies are both healthy right?" "Yes." "Well we can always have a doctor make sure the babies are both alright and then we'll make the arrangements to have the baby as soon as they fit us in for surgery." Calum nodded and kissed your fingers before standing up. "I'll go find a doctor and then i'll call our families, alright?" You nod. "Okay, but come back soon, i don't want to be alone." He gave you a smile. "I promise, i'll be right back, don't you worry. I'll be back."

Luke: The day after your bath, you carefully walked around the house with Luke at your side. The pains started to come more often and thinking it was the beginning of labor, you guys were trying to get it going faster so you had a reason to go to the hospital without being sent home. "You feeling alright?" You had your arms resting around his neck and he had his arms wrapped around you, resting on your lower back, the two of you were swaying back and forth in the spacious living room while all of Luke's family went out for a dinner that neither you nor Luke had the energy to go to but you insisted they went anyways. "Feeling okay, it's still hurting like earlier, but it's starting to get more intense." "Want to head to the hospital yet?" "No, i'm fine. A few more hours, please." "Okay, just let me know and we'll be gone, okay?" "Okay." You breathed through the pains when they hit you. "We're going to have a baby soon, Luke." He smiled. "I know, our little Vivienne, almost here."

Ashton: "Well everything looks alright here." Your doctor said as she came into the room to check on you. "Contractions are still very far apart, i think we're going to send you home until the contractions get closer. I don't think you're far enough really for us to keep you here, you're not in very much pain. Looks like you were just having braxton hicks contractions, false labor." He explained and Ashton rubbed your arm soothingly before staring up at the doctor. "Are you saying she can have the baby anytime between now and the next few days?" "Yes." he nodded. "Until the contractions get within a certain amount of time apart, we really can't do anything here, so, i'm going to give you some papers to fill out and we'll send you on your way and see you in a few days, sound alright?" You groan before nodding. "Okay, but, before we go home, we need to get something to eat, i'm really hungry."

Michael: Shortly after Gianna was born, you fell into an uncontrolled sleep, you tried staying awake, but you just couldn't. You had been asleep for a few hours when you were shaken lightly awake and Michael stood in front of you. "Gianna?" was the first thing that came out of your mouth and Michael smiled. "She's okay, they've got her hooked up to a lot of tubes and she looks like a little experiment with everything attached to her, but she's a strong one. She's absolutely beautiful, just like you. She has your eyes, my lips, uh, my cheekbones, your ears, my nose, and she has a head full of dark hair, she just looks so precious, (YN)." he breathed out. Tears of joy streamed down your face. "She'll be okay?" He brushed some stray hair from your face. She's our daughter, of course she'll be okay." You smiled. "We have a daughter now, Michael! We really have a daughter now! We're parents." Michael leaned down to kiss your forehead. "Yeah, we are, want to see some pictures of her?"

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