❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 7❤️

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Calum: "Calum?" a voice pierced through the room in the early hours of the morning and Calum opened his eyes to see Luke in the doorway. "What do you want?" "We've got to be at the studio in twenty minutes." Calum nodded and looked down, finally noticing you curled up on your side, curled right into Calum's body. "She starting to show yet?" "No, we're still getting used to the idea of her being pregnant, it's going better then we thought, nights are great, but yeah." he slipped out of bed carefully, so he wouldn't disturb you and started to get dressed. Luke sighed. "You ready to be a dad?" "Don't have a choice, but the further she gets in the pregnancy, the more i get excited i mean, i helped create a human, that's pretty incredible." Luke chuckled. "Leave her a note, so she doesn't wake up and worry." Calum pointed at Luke with a smirk. "And that's why you're still in school and i'm not!"

Luke: "You alright?" you ask walking out of the house and sitting next to Luke on the porch swing. He took you into his arms and kissed your shoulder blade. "Yeah, you?" "Fine." "How can you be when he said what he said to you?" You smile. "You defended me and made me feel good again, but you shouldn't have told your brother to leave like he did, he already doesn't live here anymore." "He's still staying here for awhile though, but you're right. I just got overworked when he brought you and the baby up. I really am happy and excited for the baby, (YN), i really am. I even had a dream that the baby was born last night and i held him in my arms and had my son in my arms. I had a son, (YN), and i felt like the luckiest guy ever." You blushed. "Wow, i had a dream we were having a girl."

Ashton: You smiled at the teddy bear in the corner of the room. The first thing you had for your baby, now sitting next to a crib that hadn't been built yet. "Whatchya doing?" Ashton asked, coming into the room and sitting on his box drum thing and starting to put out a few beats as you smiled even wider, placing a hand on your belly. "Thinking about when our baby gets here is all. Think they'll like the bear, the crib, us?" He laughed. "I really do think they will like us, yes, (YN). Now, can i ask you a question?" "What's on your mind?" "As i play the drum," he paused to take a breath, then resumed, "you put your hand on your belly that's not really showing yet, any reason?" You giggled. "Well, i feel the vibration of the drum when you hit it, and as i feel it, i put my hand on my belly hoping the baby can feel it too and know that their dad is super talented and maybe they'll play drums too." Ashton laughed. "I'd love to teach them."

Michael: You laughed at something else Luke told you and you sighed. "You seriously got all mad and jealous just to come around and say that you were in the wrong, Luke, i don't get it." He sighed. "Well, i came to the realization that we've always had that friendship vibe going on and nothing really more then dreams of something more, never had a real thing." You nod. "Should i tell Michael?" "He likes you, so why not." "I meant you and me being alright and nothing more then friends, and that you and him can be friends again and forget the jealousy thing happened." Luke nodded as you guys turned back to Michael's house. "Yeah, want to tell him now?" "Yeah." Luke stayed at the end of the sidewalk as you entered the house and saw Michael on the couch, holding something in his hands. "What do you got there, Michael?" "For our baby." he said simply and stood up, showcasing the punk rock baby outfit and you giggled. "I think they'll like it, but there's something i should tell you now."

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