❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 9❤️

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Calum: His hand held yours as you laid on the chair, getting ready for your ultrasound to begin. "Do we want to find out the sex of the baby, Calum, or do we want it to be a surprise?" Calum answered you immediately. "I want to find out. I want to know if i have a son or daughter on the way, i mean, i, you know what i mean." you giggled. "Yeah, i do." The doctor came in a few minutes later asked you the basic questions and then prepared the ultrasound. "Would you guys like to know the sex of the baby then?" he had heard yours and Calum's earlier conversation. "Yes." you both reply at the same time and the doctor goes to work to find out the sex of the baby. "And it looks like you guys are going to be having a...baby...boy....and a...baby girl? You're having twins."

Luke: The boys were all gathered at Luke's place, having a guys night since Luke refused to go out for any reason even with your due date being months away, he just didn't want to take the chance. "Do you guys know what you're having yet?" Ashton asked as he started a game of FIFA reluctantly with Calum. You grinned. "Yeah, we know." "You guys guessing because (YN) thinks she knows or did you guys go to a doctor and find out?" Calum gave you an evil grin and you slapped him upside the head. "Both, i had a guess and the doctor proved me right, so there!" you stuck your tongue out at him and Michael plopped down on the couch next to you, sitting on Luke's lap. "So, you guys got us a niece or nephew brewing?" "We're having a girl." you reply and they all cheer. "Do not make her 'punk rock' like you guys." you quote with your hands, grinning with satisfaction at their mock hurt faces.

Ashton: "How are we going to tell the boys the sex of the baby, Ash?" you ask and just as you asked his mom had just returned home with his siblings in tow. "How'd it go at the doctors today?" she asked setting down some grocery bags and you fiddled with your fingers. "Good, found out the sex of the baby." "Did you now?" "Yeah," Ashton sighed and Harry gave him a quizzical look. "What's that face of yours supposed to mean?" "It means (YN) and i made a bet on the sex of the baby and she won and now when the baby is born i have to change diapers for the first two months, have to feed her breakfast in bed every weekend and she can play my drums when i'm not home." Lauren laughed. "You really should learn not to bet with girls, Ash, you always lose. So, what's the baby?" You smile. "The baby's a boy."

Michael: His lips ghosted over your belly, around and around it went and you giggled with each kiss as it tickled you. "Will you stop for a bit?" "Why?" "Because i'm positive by now that she knows that her daddy loves her and is going to spoil her rotten once she's finally here." "Sorry, i'm just really happy she's a girl, i never thought i'd have a baby but once you told me you were pregnant, i got excited and yeah i'd be happy if it was a boy, but, knowing she's a girl, just, i can't believe it. " You laughed and pulled him down for a quick kiss. "She's not even born yet Mikey and already she's got you wrapped around her little fingers." "And i'm not ashamed of that fact, now, you need anything?" You wink. "A bath sounds good." He winked back. "I'll get the water started."

❤️5sos preference : you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️Where stories live. Discover now