❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 20❤️

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Calum: "Be careful with him, Calum, he's so tiny." Calum laughed at your maternal instincts kicking in already. "(YN), don't worry about Logan. I've got him, he's fine and in his daddy's arms." Once you saw that Calum had secured Logan into his car seat, you handed over Chloe so he could put her in her car seat. "You're doing it just as the nurse showed you, correct?" You ask standing up with the help of Mali who came to drive the two of you home and stay with you for a couple days to help you out. Calum sighed. "Yes, (YN), just as she said." Mali helped you into the wheelchair and placed Logan's car seat on your lap. "Calum, take Chloe, i'll push (YN) out of here unless you want me to take Chloe and you push her out." Calum laughed. "I can hold my daughter and push my girlfriend out of the hospital, just, i want to do it, sorry." Mali waved off his apology. "Don't be sorry, Calum. I know that you're a new dad, and you're excited, i'm going to let you live it. But if you need my help, i'm right here."

Luke: "Hi baby Vivienne, hi!" Liz cooed as she held the newborn in her arms. "You look just like your mommy and daddy. You have your daddy's eyes though. And his lips, your mommy's nose and ears." She looked at you and Luke for confirmation of her findings and you both nodded. "She has my forehead and chin too mom." Luke said and you two continued to watch Liz interacting with her granddaughter. "When do you guys get to bring her home with you?" "Tomorrow. We want to take her home today but they said that (YN)'s vitals weren't quite right so they wanted to keep both her and Vivienne an extra day for observation." Sighing you rested back on the bed and Luke held you in his arms. "I feel fine but apparently something about something wasn't what they should be after having a baby." Liz pursed her lips then brought Vivienne over to you guys and Luke held her close. "Well i'm going to head home and prepare some things for you guys so you have an as relaxing first couple days at home with her as possible." "You don't have to." you tried but she held up her hand. "Yes, i do, don't worry about it. I'd do anything for my baby, my future daughter in law and my grandbaby."

Ashton: "In there alright?" he asked and you grunted as you sat in the seat next to Blaine. "Yeah, sore, very very sore." Ashton nodded. "Well i'll drive as carefully as i can and then when we get home, you're resting some more, okay?" It was no use in arguing with him so you only nodded as he shut the door and got into the drivers seat and began the drive home. "Alright back there?" Ashton stared at you through the rearview mirror and you nod. "We're fine, Ash, almost home?" "A few more minutes." You smiled down at your baby boy who began to wiggle around in the car seat, his mouth hanging open slightly just as Ashton did when he was asleep. "You are truly just like your daddy, Blaine, just like your daddy." "We're home!" Ashton called and you smiled at Ashton. "Our son is home, Ash, we've finally brought him home."

Michael: You sat in the passenger seat next to Michael and kept wiping at your eyes to remove the tears. Michael was crying too, just, he was doing a better job at hiding it from you. "(YN)." He finally said breaking the tense silence in the car as he pulled over to the side of the road. "She's in safe hands, she'll be alright." You shake your head. "I just wished we could have brought her home with us instead of leaving her in the hospital. I mean i know she's tiny and all that, but i just wished we could have her home with us. She's all alone there, Michael, all alone. We're going home without our daughter." Michael sighed. "We'll go back to visit her tomorrow and every day until we can bring her home. It's been two weeks already and the doctors think that we'll be able to bring her home in about a month." You throw your hands in the air. "Exactly Michael, a month! A month is a long time." He reached over the center console and held you in his arms. "We'll get through it together and bring her home with us soon enough. Soon, we'll have her with us."

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