❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 11❤️

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Calum: "Our own place, Calum, can you believe it?" you ask as the two of you walk through yet another home. "I believe it for sure, what room are we gonna let the babies sleep in?" "Maybe our room at first but then the room across the hall?" He looked around then made a weird sound and you huffed. "What's the problem with that suggestion, Calum, i thought it was a good idea." "It is a good idea, (YN), just do we really want to have the babies across the hall from us later on? I mean, really think about this, (YN)." you caught on to what he was saying and playfully slapped him. "Calum!" "What, do we really want our kids to hear us having sex? They're going to be traumatized and we're going to be like the worst parents in the world." you laughed. "Fine, we can have them in the room down the hall, past the bathroom and hopefully out of earshot of our room." Calum grinned. "That's better then your first idea."

Luke: You finally set the crib up in Luke's room and sighed as you looked around and he noticed. "What's the problem now?" "I always wanted my first baby to have a full out baby nursery, and not just in the corner of your room, no offense." Luke looked around the room as well before he looked back at you. "We can ask my mom and see if we can use Jack's old room as a nursery, will that be okay for you? I mean, we can paint it and decorate it the way we want to and our little, uhh we still really need to come up with a name for her, (YN). She needs a name." You sat down slowly as Luke walked up to you and wrapped you in his arms. "You know, a fan came up to me today when we were at the studio and gave me a suggestion for the baby." "And what's that?" "Do you have anything against the name Vivienne."

Ashton: Once the name fell past your lips, you couldn't keep the smile off your face as Ashton took your hand in his. "I like it." "Me too, but (YN) dear, do your parents know that you're even pregnant?" his mom asked and you shook your head, laying down your last scrabble tile. "No, not going to. My sister told me that they already know and they refuse to have me back home, i'm a disgrace to them apparently. I'm sorry." you abruptly say and stand up, walking away from the table and upstairs to your now shared room with Ashton who joined you moments later. "You alright, (YN)?" his voice carried through the room gently and you nodded. "Yeah, i just. Talking about my parents, makes me wish that they'd actually want to be a part of my baby's life, but they don't and they never will." Ashton nodded and started to massage your shoulders. "Maybe we can work things out with them, i know you'd want that." "I'm not so sure now, Ash, maybe the baby will be better off without them in his life."

Michael: "Gianna Elsa Clifford." Michael announced to the fans that were waiting with excitement as he told the fans what you guys planned on naming your baby girl. "(YN) finally caved in and said we could name her after a princess somewhat and well, i really liked that Frozen movie so, yeah." the fans all giggled around Michael and then asked where you were and his face lost some of the excitement. "In the hospital, she had some pains last night and they've run some tests on her but it looks like she's going to be on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy." The fan's expressions matched his. "Sorry to hear that, but she'll be okay right?" Michael nodded, signing a few more autographs. "Yeah, the only problem is that i'm leaving on tour soon and i don't want to leave her here by herself, i don't want to be away from her and the baby that long, it's gonna kill me."

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