❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 3❤️

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Calum: "So, you're pregnant, what do we do now?" "I don't know Calum." you say as you two sit on your living room carpet across from each other, an awkward tension in the air. "What should we do?" "You want to give the baby up for adoption, abortion?" he suggested and you had a disgusted look on your face. "Not a chance in hell, Calum. This is our baby, ain't no way i'm going to kill it or let someone else raise it. We may not be prepared to be parents, but, then again, neither are half the parents worldwide. We can do this, we can raise our son or daughter, not have someone else raise them." He nodded and sighed. "What does this mean about me and you? We stay best friends, or are we more or are we less? I'm all sorts of confused right now?" "I don't know Calum, i think we need some time to think about what we are. We have an entire pregnancy to think about it, let's just wait and take one thing at a time, yeah?" He smiled. "Yeah, let's do it that way."

Luke: Liz had left the two of you alone and you glared at the wall. "I don't know what she's talking about Luke, i'm not adjusted to this situation yet, i don't know when i will be. I do agree that we have to plan, but what do we plan, how do we plan it?" He covered you up with a blanket and sat next to you on his bed. "We have to tell your parents too, (YN)." You shook your head and rolled away from him. "No, we don't have to tell them. They haven't even bothered to call the past two days that i've been here with you, shows how much they care about me, Luke." "You don't think they want to know about it, (YN)?" You rolled back so you laid on your back. "No, they'd just tell me to abort the baby and move on with my life. I don't want to abort this baby, Luke. I want to have it, raise it, love it, be the best mother i can be." Luke chuckled and started to rub circles on your belly. "(YN), you're going to be the best god damn mother in the history of life. Trust me, i know you're a perfectionist, this will be no exception."

Ashton: "Ashton," you trail off as he exited the kitchen and you raced after him. "Ashton!" he ran up the stairs to his bedroom, and you quickly followed, waving a quick hello to Harry and Lauren, then refocusing on Ashton's movements. "Ashton!" he had shut his door and you were left on the other side banging on it. "Ash! Let me in! We need to talk! You know we do! Let's talk! God damn it Ashton, i want us to be more than friends too! Our baby is going to need the both of us, not just one of us! The both of us Ashton, we're in this together! Come on, Ash, let me in!" you were now crying and starting to slide down the door, clutching your still not there stomach. "Ashton!" The crying wore you out quickly and before you knew it you were being picked up and laid on a bed. "I'm sorry, (YN). When you wake up, we'll talk, i promise! I love you and believe it or not, i love this baby like crazy, so so much. I'm not sleeping until you wake back up."

Michael: "Woah, you and (YN), hooked up and now she's having your baby? What the... I mean, what's going on?" Michael kept his eyes on the direction you went. "(YN) and I have a baby on the way." Luke stood up and gave Michael a glare, everyone knew that Luke had a crush on you and you had a crush on him, so why would you have a one night thing with Michael? It boggled Luke's mind. "How could you?" Michael turned to eye Luke. "I'm sorry." "Was it on accident?" "Luke." Michael started, "I know you like, (YN), i know she likes you too and i'm turning this into a stupid hormonal teenage movie romance but, I love (YN) too! And not just as my best friend, i love her as more than that." Luke's face contorted in anger. "Fine, i don't care." he started to walk for the door and flipped Michael off. "Piss off Michael, tell (YN) not to call, i don't want to hear from either of you again." and then the door slammed shut and you came back from the bathroom. "What did i just miss?"

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