❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part24❤️

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Calum: "And just where the hell do you think you're going?" you ask Calum as he gets ready to leave the house again and he freezes when he got caught. "I need some air." You scoffed. "That's been your excuse for the past few weeks Calum! What the hell is up with you leaving me to raise the babies by myself? I can't do it myself! I need your help because if you haven't noticed the babies are yours too, not just mine, i had help creating them!" Calum let go of the doorknob and fell back against the door, falling to the floor, finally letting the tears fall from his face. "I just can't do this anymore." Your heart felt like it had just shattered into a million pieces. "What?" "I'm tired of this." "Calum." you say softly beginning to cry. "Don't leave me. Not now, please don't go." "I'm not going anywhere, (YN)." "Then why are you saying you can't do this? You can't help with the babies? Me? What's going on, please don't tell me it has something to do with the band." "(YN), i just don't know what to do anymore. I love the band, they're my life. You and the babies, you're also my life, i just, i thought i had control over this, i'm starting to lose control, i'm starting to break." You fell to the floor next to him and hugged him. "I'm losing it too, Cal, but we'll get through it somehow, we always have."

Luke: "Luke!" you prodded at his side with your finger and he slowly untangled himself from you and the blankets and got out of bed. "It's Vivienne right?" You nod. "That'd be her and i can't get up." You explained and he nodded. Just a week ago you had slipped and fallen which ended up with you breaking your ankle, leaving Luke to make all the night trips to Vivienne's room. This time he brought her back and handed her to you so you could feed her. "When did they say you could walk on your foot again?" He asked, desperate for your answer to be 'soon'. "Another couple weeks." You reply and he groans, falling back into the pillows as you fed Vivienne. "Sorry." you say and he shakes his head. "It's not your fault, i don't blame you, i just, i want to try and prove to everyone that we can do this without their help, by ourselves, but we need help, (YN), we really do." "Think we should call your mother?" you ask and he has the look of not wanting to do it, but needing to do it. "Yeah, we'll call her tomorrow."

Ashton: Ashton had come home from a very good day in the studio to you laying in bed in tears, baby Blaine in his crib next to your bed crying also. "(YN)?" he asked rushing in and grabbing Blaine, trying to quiet him down and held you also. "(YN). (YN)." He repeated softly, kissing the top of your head. "What's wrong baby? I need to know. Tell me what's going on?" You swiped away a couple of your tears and took a deep breath, preparing yourself to speak. "Everything that could go wrong today has. Blaine's starting to get sick, i think i'm starting to get sick. I'm trying to plan the wedding and it's all just so much, Ash, i don't know how i'm going to keep doing it!" "You don't have to." He murmured. "You just need to relax and take it a bit slower. We don't have to rush into this wedding stuff, we can relax and take our time with it. Just relax and together we'll focus on Blaine and the wedding will be taken care of, just a bit slower then before." You nodded. "You'll help me?" "Always."

Michael: "Michael, can we just go now? Gianna is fine here!" "(YN), we're leaving our daughter with my band mates!" "And Luke's mother" you add and Michael's shoulders slump as he looks over your shoulder seeing Gianna asleep in Luke's arms and he was about to make another protest when Liz walked up to Michael and jabbed his chest. "Michael Gordon, you need to relax. Your daughter is in safe hands and now go with (YN) and have a nice dinner out, okay? You guys haven't been out anywhere as a couple since Gianna was born. You need to go out. Now go!" She pushed Michael out the door and you smiled from the doorway. "Thank you Liz! Boys, see you soon." "Have a nice night and don't let Michael call to check up, if anything comes up, we'll call you alright?" You nod and shut the door behind you seeing Michael in the car, his arms crossed. "Are you going to pout the entire night? If so i'm going to kick your ass, we need a night just you and me and tonight is it. So sit back, relax, and enjoy tonight with me, okay?"

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