❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 13❤️

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Calum: "I can't move, Cal, i hurt too much!" you groan and Calum massages your feet for you. "I know, i'm trying to do everything i can to make it easier for you, i really am trying." You lifted your hand and caressed his cheek. "I know you are and i thank you for that, i can never thank you enough for that. You're going to be the best daddy ever, you really are, you know that?" He blushed. "I'm going to try to be anyways." You shake your head. "No, you don't even have to try, you're just going to go into it blind but figure out what you have to do immediately and you're just going to be a natural at it, i just know you will." "You have a lot of confidence in me." The babies both began to kick at the same time and both you and Calum laughed. "So do the babies Cal, so do the babies."

Luke: "Doo do do, doo do." you sang softly to yourself, rolling a toy car over your round belly waiting for Luke to come back to the bus. The guys were doing a small tour and you had doctors permission to go with, but so far, you were bored beyond belief. "Singing for her?" Luke's voice immediately calmed you and brought joy to yourself. "Yeah, she likes it when i sing. I feel her moving around in there, not quite kicking but she's still moving, it's a weird feeling, want to feel it?" He nodded and sat by your feet, his hands roaming around trying to feel for his daughter. "Hey Vivienne, it's daddy, how are you today?" You laughed at the question he asked her but as soon as he asked her, she started to kick and both your eyes lightened up. "She kicked," you breathed and Luke kissed your belly. "For the first time, you never fail to amaze us Vivienne, we'll see you soon baby girl."

Ashton: "Feeling alright, (YN)?" Your sister asked and you nodded. "Yeah, baby keeps kicking every so often, but how are you? You doing okay not living with mom and dad?" She sighed. "Yeah, kind of miss them, but not really, not after how they basically wrote you off, i can't deal with that. Parents are supposed to be happy for this, i mean you're 19, you're legal, Ashton's legal, i don't get what the big problem was." Ashton had heard you and your sister talked and continued to listen in until you sat up with a pained look on your face. "Ashton?" your sister yelled and he was right there. "I'm here, what's going on in there, (YN)?" You shake your head. "He's kicking my ribs, really hard! It hurts, oh my god, this hurts."

Michael: His face He smiled as well onto the screen and you smiled. "The baby's been kicking like crazy, it's just like nonstop kicking, i think she misses her daddy." Michael smiled sadly into the camera as the other guys settled down around him, muttering hellos to you before focusing on the screen behind the laptop, you could only assume they were playing a video game. "I miss both my girls too, are you feeling okay though? Mali said you were having slight pains every so often, sounds like contractions, (YN), i want you to get to the hospital and get looked at." You sighed. "I don't want to be there without you." He shook his head. "If you need me to be there, i'll leave tour without another though, do you need me to be there?" You looked down and a tear slipped past your eye. "Yeah, i really do need you, Gianna's coming now."

❤️5sos preference : you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️Where stories live. Discover now