❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 18❤️

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Calum: "Are you ready for this?" he asked calmly as they prepared you for surgery. You stiffly nodded. "Yeah, i'm just scared." "You'll be okay, i'm right here, okay? Right here. Just a little while longer and we'll have Logan and Chloe here with us, okay?" The thought of your babies relaxed you and you closed your eyes as Calum took his seat next to you, waiting for the surgery and once it started Calum locked his eyes on yours. "You're doing great." He'd keep muttering to relax you and it worked, each time he said it, you let out a breath and waited for the cries of your newborns. Your face scrunched up as the doctor pulled the first baby out. "Boy!" "Logan!" you say through tears and Calum's smile isn't leaving his face anytime soon. "We have a boy, he's handsome and perfect, (YN), look at him." The doctor let you see him before sending him off to get cleaned up and then you felt the tugs again and then your second baby arrived. "Girl!" "Chloe's here." you say and push Calum gently. "Go see them get cleaned up, be with them!"

Luke: "Get to the hospital, (YN), i really think you've waited long enough." Luke's family had returned from dinner a couple hours ago and ever since every eye has paid you very close attention. After Liz said that, Luke held you close. "It's been almost eight hours, (YN), and they haven't gone away, i think we should get you to the hospital, she's right." You had to take a few more deep breaths before nodding your head. "Bag's in room, Luke." Liz put a hand on Luke's shoulder. "I'l go get it and then i'll drive you, wow i can't believe i'm about to be a grandmother." As she went to get your hospital bag, Luke sighed. "Can't believe i'm about to be a father, and you a mother." You just didn't have the energy to smile back and he picked you up bridal style. "Let's get you to the car and then a little while after that, we'll be able to hold Vivienne in our arms, we can do this, (YN), just a little while longer."

Ashton: "Ow, god damn!" you screech and Ashton quickly jumped up from his side of the bed. "You alright?" "No." you pant and try to stand up only to sit right back down. "(YN)?" "Ash, hospital now! I think these contractions are the real deal, these hurt like a son of a bitch." He nodded and grabbed the bag you guys had prepared for your time at the hospital and started to carry you out. "You don't ...have to carry me ... me and the bag ...at... the same time, Ash, you could...come back for me." "Not a chance, come on, let's go have us a baby." He drove faster then was probably legal and luckily avoided any incidents with the police. "Almost there." he put a hand on your stomach. "Almost there." A few hours later you were hooked up to a heart rate monitor and had just been told that you were fully dilated. "Push!" was demanded of you over and over again and your body and Ash's fingers were desperately begging for you to be done pushing. "One more push!" And true to the doctor's word, one push later, a crying baby Blaine rested on your chest.

Michael: Michael pushed your wheelchair as you guys went to see baby Gianna for the first time. "She's so tiny!" you say just above a whisper and Michael nods, putting his hand into the incubator and watching as the tiny baby girl attempted to grip his finger. "She only weighed an ounce shy of three pounds, (YN), but she's doing good, better then they thought she would. She's going to be alright." Seeing all the different cords and tubes she was hooked up to made you almost not believe Michael's words, but you also knew that he'd never lie to you. "Yeah, she'll be okay." you broke down into tears and Michael held you tightly. "(YN), look at her, her eyes are open, look at her eyes." You did as he said and gasped when you saw your baby girl staring back at you. "She really does have my eyes, and your lips." Michael laughed. "I'd never lie to you, (YN), never have and i never will."

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