❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 21❤️

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Calum: Logan and Chloe laid next to each other in their crib and you smiled over them, your face pressed against the side of the crib. It was nearing bedtime and you weren't quite ready to leave them yet even though you knew you'd be up in just a little while to feed them and change them. "Come to bed, (YN). Mali said she'd take one of the feedings and changings so we could sleep, she said she'd take the first one even." He was right behind you, his hands on your shoulders, massaging them, relaxing you. "Keep doing that and i'm gonna fall asleep right here, Cal." He chuckled. "If that's what it takes to get you to bed, that's fine with me. It'll be okay, (YN), the babies will be here when we wake up, they're not going anywhere."

Luke: Liz really did have the house perfect when you and Luke arrived home with Vivienne in tow. Currently you sat up in yours and Luke's bed, feeding her while Luke sat next to you, his guitar on his lap, softly and absentmindedly strumming it. "Almost done?" he asked finally coming out of the zone he was in and you nodded, pulling your daughter away from you and towards Luke who had put his guitar at the end of the bed and began to burp the infant. "You look tired." he noted. "You should sleep." You shake your head. "No, i want to enjoy having her around some more before i just doze off." you ended what you were saying with a yawn and Luke laughed. "(YN), sleep. I'll wake you when dinner's done and then you can enjoy having Vivienne home for a few more hours, alright? She'll be okay with me, she's my little girl, i'll take care of her, you don't need to worry."

Ashton: "She's still sleeping." you heard voices as you tried to rest. "Yes you guys can come see Blaine, we just have to keep it quiet until (YN) wakes up. You opened your eyes and rolled over just as Ashton looked over at you. "Well, she just woke up. (YN), is it alright for the guys to come visit?" You gave him a thumbs up and tried to sit up, and luckily Ashton had the phone on speaker, Blaine in one arm and one arm available to help you fully sit up. "See you guys soon, okay?" You recognized Luke's voice and Ashton told Luke alright before setting Blaine down. "Want to go downstairs?" You nodded and he took you down and sat you on the couch before coming back down moments later with Blaine in his arms. "Alright, first day at home with baby is almost over, but not til your uncles meet you, i'm afraid Blaine."

Michael: Everyday for the past three weeks you had been coming to visit Gianna and today when you arrived you finally got the news you've been wanting to hear. "She's all good to go home." "Already?" Michael asked, happy but wanting to make sure that they weren't just fibbing with you guys. "Yeah, she's healthy, very healthy. She responded very well to all we had to do, it seems she wanted to get home with you guys as well. A very good patient, can't wait to have her back for her check ups, you guys have fun with her now." The nurse said and left, leaving you holding Gianna and Michael running to grab the car seat from the car so you guys could bring Gianna out just like any other newborn. You smiled down at her and saw her smiling back at you. "Are you ready to go home, Gia? Daddy and i want you there with us, it's gonna be so good to finally have you with us."

❤️5sos preference : you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️Where stories live. Discover now