❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 19❤️

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Calum: A couple hours after you had been placed in the recovery room, Calum entered with the other boys behind him. It looked like he was holding both of the babies. "You're awake." he smiled and you nodded and with the help of Luke, both of the babies were placed into your arms. "This is incredible." Both of the babies were perfect in your eyes. "Yeah it is. This is Logan and over here is Chloe. They're both incredibly healthy, (YN). They've finally quieted down." "I see they've already met their uncles." you look up and the guys all nod. "Yeah, we kind of met them when you were asleep after the surgery." Ashton told you and you couldn't keep the smile off your face. "That's okay. I finally have my babies, that's all that matters to me. They're both healthy and they're both mine, well and Calum's too, but you know what i'm saying." Calum sat next to you and let his little girl hold his finger. "Yeah, i know what you're saying."

Luke: "I hate you Lucas, oh my god do i hate you!" you grumbled after a contraction hit and Luke just laughed from his side of the bed he was sitting at. "You'll love me after she's here and the pain's gone." "You're never touching me after his, i swear to god!" you threatened and Luke just laughed. "You say that now." "And i'll say it later." you countered but soon silenced when an extremely painful contraction coursed through you. "Ouch!!!!" Luke offered you his hand and you took it before crumpling his hand with yours and his own fit of laughter died down when the pain of you nearly breaking his hand took over. "What the hell, (YN)?" "Luke," Liz warned. "That probably hurts you less then what she's going through, just suck it up okay?" He nodded and the doctor had you pushing within moments. "We've got a head down here." the doctor smiled. "Push once more and the shoulders should be out." Luke peeked between your legs. "Wow, that's a baby." "A baby girl." the doctor corrected as she placed the baby on your chest and you cradled her with your hands. "Vivienne, Luke, Vivienne's finally here!"

Ashton: "Aww, hey there Blaine!" you coo at your hour old son while Ashton sat in front of you cross legged on the bed. You guys were just enjoying your baby boy, you didn't notice the other guys had entered the room. "Aw, is that our nephew?" Luke asked and Ashton looked up with a smile. "Yeah, this is Blaine." "What's his full name again?" Michael asked with a smirk and you gave him a fake annoyed sigh. "Blaine Michael Jacob Irwin, happy Michael?" He smirked. "Very." "He's a decent sized baby isn't he?" Calum asked and you nodded as you lifted him slightly before bringing him back down to your lap. "Yeah, eight pounds even, he's a hefty boy." "Looks just like Ashton." "He does look just like Ashton." you grumble and Ashton smirked. "Hey, at least he's got a full head of hair just like you did, he got that from you at least."

Michael: Today was the first day you were going to be able to hold her in your very own arms. "You're a week old but you don't even look like a day old." you commented and stroked her cheek to which she raised her hand and held your finger with it. "For being so small, you've got quite a bit of strength in you. Mommy and daddy have to go home today though, Gia, we don't want to leave you, but we'll be back as soon as we can okay?" Staring up at Michael with red rimmed, tear filled eyes, his mirrored your own before you switched places with him. "You're a strong little girl, Gia, you can pull through this alright? Just like mommy said, we'll be here every chance we can. Daddy's not going on tour again until you're back home where i know you won't be alone. We love you baby girl, yeah look at your eyes, they're beautiful, just like mommy's. They'll take care of you here, just, you'll be okay. Mommy and daddy love you baby girl, we love you so much. So so much!"

❤️5sos preference : you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️Where stories live. Discover now