❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 22❤️

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Calum: "Have they spoken yet?" Michael asked and you shook your head as both of the babies lied in front of you on their own blankets. "No, just a bunch of garbled language that only they understand. They're only four and a half months, i'm not too worried that they're not speaking yet." "It is possible though right? I mean for them to speak already?" Ashton asked as he sat across from you, keeping the babies happy while you changed them. "I guess so." Calum answered, walking in with bottles for each of the babies. "Chloe keeps looking like she's going to say something, whenever we play music she tries to sing along." "She any good?" Luke asked and you smirked, picking her up as she reached her hands out for Calum and you sighed, passing her over. Ashton took Logan. "You guys can talk, we'd all love to hear you." Ashton said to Logan just as Chloe put her hand on her daddy's cheek and sneezed. "Bless you." you say to her and she giggles. "Daddy." "She just..." you trailed off as Logan looked up. "Mommy." "He just..." "They both just spoke, you guys are miracles!"

Luke: "So, i've got some good news." Luke began as he came home to see you and Liz in the kitchen feeding a now four month old Vivienne. "What's that, Luke?" Liz asked and you continued to try and feed Vivienne food from a baby jar and she was not having it, she kept spitting it up and getting it all over her and over you. Luke stopped himself from laughing at that and Vivienne smiled when she saw Luke. "Hey Vivi, want daddy to hold you so mommy can clean up?" "Gladly!" you say and let Luke switch places with you and just like that she ate the food like it was candy." "Sometimes i really hate you, Luke." He laughed. "Anyways," you begin as Liz helped clean you up. "You said you had some good news, what is it?" "Well besides the fact that it's my birthday next week, i got a call today." "From who?" He stopped feeding Vivienne and smiled at you and fished for something in his pocket which grasped your curiosity. "Luke, what did you do?" The smirk never left his face and he finally got the object out of his pocket. "I got us a house, (YN), the one you've been wanting for over a year now, i remembered and it's finally ours. We can move in next week."

Ashton: "I've been thinking about something lately, (YN), i'm just not sure how you're going to respond to it." "You breaking up with me?" you asked without taking your eyes away from your baby boy who you were giving a bath in the kitchen sink. "No of course not." he said quickly and you smiled. "Blaine, tell your daddy to get whatever's on his mind off it, he's bugging me." Ashton laughed. "Well, okay i went to the mall the other day with the guys and found something that may change the way our lives are going?" "What do you mean Ash? Is it something for the new house? They said they're almost done furnishing the basement and then we'll be able to finish moving in in no time." "No, not for the house." You finished bathing Blaine and wrapped him up in a nice warm towel which Ashton handed you and the two of you went back to the bedroom. "Ashton, what is it? You look beyond scared and i really don't understand why." "Well, since the fans found out about us being friends before, then having a baby together, they've got me thinking about something else." "What's the something else?" you leave Blaine on the bed with Ashton as you get pajamas for Blaine. "I want you to marry me." you dropped the clothes you had grabbed and spun around to look at Ashton to see if he was being serious, he was. "What do you say, (YN)?" "I say..."

Michael: It had been two months since you brought Gianna home from the hospital and she looked like a perfectly healthy three month old, you'd never have thought that she was born two and a half months early. "Hey pretty girl!" you coo as you pick her up. "Daddy's coming home today!" Michael had left for a three week tour, just a few weeks after she came home and you were so excited to see him again, with all the texts and calls lately, it was obvious he missed his two girls. "Are you excited to see daddy, Gia, huh?" you ask and she started to giggle in her car seat as you drove to the airport to pick Michael and the guys up. When you pulled up, you grabbed her from her car seat and took her inside, you met up with security and they lead you to the terminal Michael would be coming out of. You greeted a few fans and let them say hi to Gianna who smiled back. "She looks so much like Michael!" one said. "I know, she's gonna be a female version of me!" "Michael!" you scream and turn around and Michael hugged you and Gianna and you pulled back to let him hold his little girl. "I missed you and your mommy, so much! You guys miss me?" "You have no idea." you leaned up and pecked his cheek.

❤️5sos preference : you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️Where stories live. Discover now