❤️you're best friends and he gets you pregnant part 16❤️

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Calum: "So, we have you in here for what could possibly be your last check up before the babies arrive is that correct?" the nurse asked as he prepared your ultrasound. Calum smiled. "Yeah, doctor said anytime now the babies could arrive. We're very excited." "I bet, do you know what you're having?" "One of each." you respond happily and the nurse laughed as he continued with the scan. "Looks like everything's okay still, nothing wrong, you may be able to go full term from the looks of it. Have you been hurting lately?" You shake your head. "No, not much, they just keep moving alot and keeping me awake, so no pain, just not much sleep." "You could always ask to be induced or have a planned cesarean section you know." You looked at Calum and he held your hand tighter before looking back at you. "I'm going to leave this decision up to you, it's your body that has to deal with this, not mine. Whatever you want, i'll be okay with that." You nod and exhale. "I need some time to think about that, can i have a few minutes." The nurse excused himself. "Of course, come find me when you've made your decision."

Luke: For some reason you just could not get comfortable in bed that night so you decided to run yourself a nice warm bubble bath to relax yourself in hopes that'd help you fall asleep. The water ran past your fingers as you let them hang under the falling water. Once the temperature suited your comfort zone, you undressed and carefully stepped into the luscious water. As it covered more and more of you, you let your body relax. "This feels so nice." You played with some of the bubbles around you, placing them on your belly and blowing them away, laughing to yourself. "Having fun?" Luke asked, rubbing at his eyes as he came in to use the rest room. "Thought i was missing you." You sighed contently. "Couldn't fall asleep, so i thought a bath would help me." "You haven't been comfortable all day, you feeling alright?" Your eyes met his. "You think it could mean the baby's coming?" Luke smiled as he turned back to you. "Maybe Vivienne will be here, your due date is in just a few weeks, doctor said it could be anytime you know."

Ashton: He looked at you with disgust as you crushed up the oreos, mixed them with the hawaiian punch and dipped your twizzlers into them and you just laughed and held one up with the mixture. "Want one, Ash?" "No thank you." He was so grossed out he had to turn away and began doing that day's dishes. "How was the studio, Ash?" "Fun, i didn't have to do much today, just a couple songs but the other guys made considerable progress with their vocals and it looks like the album's really turning out nicely." "That is nice. The entire time you were gone, i slept, i had a nice dream." He laughed. "You slept instead of eating the stuff i brought home for you before i went to the studio?" You giggled. "Had to wait for you to get back home before i dug in, didn't want you to miss it." "Kinda wish i had." he spoke, putting a couple dishes away and you laughed until you clutched your stomach and the sound of a broken glass plate sounded. "(YN)?" "Uhh, now is when you're daddy mode needs to kick in, i think we have to go to the hospital."

Michael: "I'm so sorry, Mikey!" you cry while he holds your hands and he's quick to shush you. "Hey, hey, it's not your fault baby girl, things like this happen all the time, it just looks like we've got to deal with it this time, don't worry Gianna's gonna be okay, she'll be alright." "She's going to be so tiny!" you sob and it's not long after that the doctor tells you to push and with an encouraging nod from Michael, you do as the doctor requests and push. With her being so tiny, you didn't have to push for long. You did fee relief when she popped out, but it soon turned to fear when you didn't hear her crying. "Is she okay? Michael, why isn't she crying? Why isn't she crying! My baby!" you scream and Michael stands and runs after the doctors who, without even looking at you, take your baby away to get checked out and you cover your face with your hands. "My baby."

❤️5sos preference : you're best friends and he gets you pregnant❤️Where stories live. Discover now